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3 rd-ml-month-car-image-aspect-ratio-crop-dataset # Dataset 这个数据集是由 zerocoke 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
132M 520
buah-training Education Classification
10.71M 411
SMSPReadings Earth and Nature Classification
10.7M 378
yanzheng Others Classification
2010.48M 435
MADELON # 数据集这个数据集是由 Sayoni Roychowdhury 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Retail and Shopping Classification
1M 461
large-file-testing Others Classification
0.02M 692
波尔图塞古罗的安全驾驶员噪声特征 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.01M 477
172.1M 805
FR InverseCooking pretrained Others Classification
396.69M 470
零拍学习图像ZhiJiangTianChi Image Data Classification
135.25M 761
GlobalWarmingTwitter Others Classification
1.57M 710
劳斯莱斯 Automobiles and Vehicles,Transportation Classification
0.03M 466
伯特muchang Clothing and Accessories Classification
417.71M 323
Comedy-tv-ratingss Others Classification
52.66M 500
Telangana医院 Hospitals and Treatment Centers Classification
0M 412
出口-数据- 2018 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Mohammad Ariful Islam# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Retail and Shopping Classification
50.83M 574
Machine-Translation-eng-fra Deep Learning,Computer Science Classification
9.1M 464
Language-hack2 Languages Classification
697.89M 655
爱荷华州的福特汽车 Automobiles and Vehicles,Data Analytics Classification
16.77M 717
zalotest nghiadt97 Others Classification
2.64M 500