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2017年联合国人非特派团及其组成部分 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.04M 432
在线零售商店 Retail and Shopping Classification
44M 391
斯坦福汽车数据集,车辆检测到的斯坦福汽车数据类 his dataset was derived from the original Stanford Cars Dataset, which can be downloaded here: Data,CNN,Neural Networks,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
1.31G 663
1985汽车数据集 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Transportation Classification
0.06M 805
蒸汽审查数据集 Internet,Retail and Shopping,Video Games,Ratings and Reviews Classification
115.13M 667
美国交通死亡记录 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Law,Bigquery Classification
0M 361
Dratings ncaa 男性评级 2019 Retail and Shopping,Sports,Basketball Classification
0.01M 744
福特戈壁数据 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
396.53M 342
MRT 3 维护和故障报告 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.22M 344
RSNA 阶段 2 png 转换文件 Others Classification
10141.7M 234
英国道路安全:交通事故和车辆 Automobiles and Vehicles,Law,Games,Demographics Classification
1287.34M 430
Nguyen Others Classification
1906.01M 251
NGS 2016 数据2 Others Classification
1.73M 582
NGS 2016 数据 Others Classification
1.68M 239
正在维修车辆的保险索赔信息 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles,Insurance,Demographics Classification
2.35M 323
TalkingData 第 7, 8 天 Others Classification
780.01M 632
自动移动定价 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.03M 321
自动 MPG 数据集 Business,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.02M 362
预测 Angina Heart Conditions Classification
0.01M 215
梅 赛 德 斯 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
6.21M 365