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挪威新车销售 Business,Retail and Shopping,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.22M 685
库存表数据 # 数据集这个数据集是由 Alexander Butakov 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Investing Classification
0.17M 776
数据集-MBA Retail and Shopping,Universities and Colleges Classification
6.16M 506
2018年Cewe fotokniha品牌搜索 Retail and Shopping Classification
0M 769
商品销售的回归数据 # 数据集这个数据集由 Sharath _ 4545创建发布于 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Business Classification
14.91M 442
siim acr气胸分割数据集,完整数据集(DICOM + PNG + 标签) Data structuresinput/traininput/test : contains DICOM filesinput/train.imagesinput/test/images : contains .png imagestra...Medical,Health 2D Box,Classification
7.89G 759
OBD-II数据集 Education,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
16.81M 841
安全气囊等因素对事故死亡的影响 Automobiles and Vehicles,Law Classification
2.71M 412
JeongDaemin 文件 Others Classification
100M 334
女性模型图像数据集,有jpg 和png两种格式 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Tom Howard# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Clothing and Accessories,Software,Art Classification
350M 381
梅赛德斯-奔驰绿色制造 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
6.12M 431
巴西汽车保险市场 Automobiles and Vehicles,Government,Insurance Classification
1.77M 451
二手车从易趣上市 Retail and Shopping Classification
44.42M 589
安卓系统恶意软件/beningn权限数据集 This dataset is a result of my research production in machine learning and android security. The data were obtained by a...Computer Science Classification
0.26M 818
汽车模型的数据集 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
43.49M 431
符号 Lang 图像数据 Online Communities Classification
23.12M 300
开放食品产品及其标签的图片,来自150个国家的60多万个产品 The dataset contains a single table, FoodFacts, in CSV form in FoodFacts.csv and in SQLite form in database.sqlite.The c...Earth and Nature,Alcohol,Nutrition Classification
963.46M 426
Word Embedings for naaclmetaphor2541 Others Classification
892.43M 331
汽车品牌(1970-2016) 您可以在该数据库中找到1970年至2016年间几乎所有汽车制造商的品牌、型号和版本信息。...Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.65M 401
nghiadt - cvassigment2 Others Classification
4.41M 682