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Semantic KITTI dataset 自动驾驶数据集 我们提出了一个基于KITTI视觉基准的大规模数据集,并且我们使用了dometry任务所提供的所有序列。我们为序列00-10的每个单独的扫...Autonomous Driving Classification
80G 1352
​Fruits 360 水果蔬菜数据集 Fruits 360数据集包含水果和蔬菜的高质量图像数据集。包括以下水果和蔬菜:苹果(不同品种:深红色雪,金黄色,金红色,奶奶史密...Smart Retailing 2D Box
731.55M 1831
Cars Dataset 汽车数据集 Cars 数据集包含 196 类汽车的 16,185 张图像。数据分为 8,144 张训练图像和 8,041 张测试图像,其中每个类别大致分为 50-50 个...Autonomous Driving 2D Keypoints
1.82G 2056
CUHK Image Cropping Dataset Image cropping is a common operation used to improve the visual quality of photographsThis dataset was used in this pape...Plant 2D Box
76.8M 840
Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset AbstractWe present the Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset, an accurate dataset for vision-based traffic light detection....Autonomous Driving 2D Box,Image Caption
544M 1224
Wrist PPG During Exercise AbstractThis database contains wrist PPGs recorded during walking, running and bike riding. Simultaneous motion estimate...Game 2D Box,Pose
49.8M 768
T-Wave Alternans Challenge Database AbstractThis database has been assembled for the PhysioNet/Computers in Cardiology Challenge 2008. It contains 100 multi...Music Analysis,Medical Audio
105M 501
Stress Recognition in Automobile Drivers This database, contributed to Physionet by its creator, Jennifer Healey, contains a collection of multiparameter recordi...Autonomous Driving 3D Model
108.7M 585
Tai Chi, Physiological Complexity, and Healthy Aging - Gait The "Tai Chi, Physiological Complexity, and Healthy Aging—Gait" database contains two-channel gait recordings of 87 old...Person,Fashion Pose
503.3M 605
Smart Health for Assessing the Risk of Events via ECG Database The ECG Holter was performed after a one-month anti-hypertensive therapy wash-out. The patients, aged 55 and over (inclu...Medical 2D Box,Classification
1.74G 778
Heart Rate Oscillations during Meditation Database Heart rate time series for 5 different groups of healthy subjects can be found in text form in the subdirectories of thi...Medical 2D Box,Audio
8.8M 488
Smoke Detection Based on Scene Parsing and Salienct Segmentation The dataset used in Smoke Detection based on Scene Parsing and Saliency Segmentation: The The dataset for wildfire smoke...Others 2D Box,Classification
130M 650
RP2K Pipeline of our data collection process. Our photo collectors were first distributed in over 500 different retail stores...Smart Retailing Classification
5.9G 1102
Weakly Supervised Clothing Co-Parsing “Clothes Co-Parsing via Joint Image Segmentation and Labeling with Application to Clothing Retrieval”, Xiaodan Liang,...Person 2D Box
125M 806
UrbanGB 城市中心数据集标注的城市道路事故坐标 Coordinates data obtained by filtering the dataset at Clustering
2.96M 864
出租车服务轨迹-预测挑战,ECMLPKDD2015数据集 Challenge Chair: Luis Moreira-MatiasSteering Committee: - Michel Ferreira - Joao Mendes-Moreiratst.challenge '@'...Automobiles and Vehicles Clustering
509M 812
GNFUV无人地面车辆传感器数据集2数据集 Data Set Information:数据集包括来自四(4)个树莓Pi的2 x(4)组移动传感器读数数据(湿度、温度),对应于四(4)个无人地面...Automobiles and Vehicles Regression
350K 595
GNFUV无人地面车辆传感器数据集 Data Set Information:该数据集包括四(4)组移动传感器读数数据(湿度、温度),对应于四(4)组无人地面车辆(USV)。每个USV...Automobiles and Vehicles Regression
490K 677
503种属于Demospongiae类的海绵数据集 Data Set Information:This dataset contains 503 sponges belonging to the Demospongiae class collected from the Mediterran...Life Classification
281K 696
2014-2015年的陆地卫星时间序列卫星图像数据集 Data Set Information:This dataset was derived from geospatial data from two sources: 1) Landsat time-series satellite im...Physical Classification
1M 898