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ChatGPT情绪分析,ChatGPT推文分类一个月 ChatGPT has been a major talk in the tech world. The tweets about chatgpt were gathered for a month and then the sentime...NLP Classification
35.27M 1718
ChatGPT Twitter数据集 This dataset contains a collection of tweets with the hashtag #chatgpt. The tweets were scraped from Twitter and cover a...NLP Classification
0.4M 1605
Tweets on ChatGPT 数据集包ChatGPT上的推文 ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI. It was launched in November 2022. The dataset contains tweets on #ChatGPT from...NLP Classification
133.86M 905
LFQA患者医生对话数据 What is Diagnose me?Diagnose me is an LFQA dataset of dialogues between patients and doctors based on factual conversati...NLP,Medical Classification
433.32M 622
3D物体检测评估 包含7481个训练图像和7518个测试图像以及相应的点云 3D对象检测基准由7481个训练图像和7518个测试图像以及相应的点云组成,包括总共80.256个标记对象。为了评估,我们计算精度召回曲...Vehicle,Autonomous Driving 3D Box
118G 695
对象跟踪评估(2D边界框),由21个训练序列和29个测试序列组成 目标跟踪基准由21个训练序列和29个测试序列组成。尽管我们已经标记了8个不同的类,但在我们的基准测试中只评估了“汽车”和“行...Autonomous Driving 2D Box
63.2G 572
2017BOT大赛病理切片识别AI挑战赛初赛训练集(选手使用,压缩) 2017BOT大赛病理切片识别AI挑战赛初赛训练集(选手使用,压缩)...Rail Transport 2D Instance Segmentation
5.88G 285
SUN RGB-D:一个 RGB-D 解场景理解任务训练数据集 Although RGB-D sensors have enabled major breakthroughsfor several vision tasks, such as 3D reconstruction,we haven not...Image Search,Deep Learning Classification
6.6G 1163
对象分割训练数据集,包含货架和手提包中单个对象的136575个RGB-D 图像 The object segmentation training dataset contains 136,575 RGB-D images of single objects (from the APC) in the shelf and...Image Search,Deep Learning Classification
131G 1031
人脸关键点识别数据集(训练集,测试集) 训练集,测试集,对应的关键点位置...Person,Face 2D Box
324.7M 810
LNDb CT 肺结节患者扫描数据集(训练 The main goal of this challenge is the automatic classification of chest CT scans according to the 2017 Fleischner socie...Medical 3D Box
29.21G 1189
脑图像训练数据集 脑图像训练数据集...Medical,Image Data Classification
106.37M 778
猫和狗的图像数据集,包含测试、训练、验证图像 猫和狗的图像数据集,包含测试、训练、验证图像数据结构:1、test_set------cats------dogs2、train_set------cats------dogs3、...Arts and Entertainment Classification
430.8M 1259
UCF-QNRF大规模人群计数数据集 用于训练和评估大规模人群密集计数模型 UCF-QNRF 由弗罗里达大学在 2018 年发布,共包括 1535 张人群图像,其中训练集 1201 张图像,测试集 334 张图像。就注释数量而言...Person,Action/Event Detection Classification
4.24G 1212
MAGICDATA 汉语普通话朗读语料数据库(训练数据集) MAGICDATA Mandarin Chinese Read Speech Corpus was developed by MAGIC DATATechnology Co., Ltd. and freely published for n...Music Analysis Audio
52G 1113
大型爪哇 ASR 训练数据集 This data set contains transcribed audio data for Javanese. The data set consists of wave files, and a TSV file. The fil...Music Analysis Audio
1.1G 818
175种鸟类的数据集 包含23657个训练图像 175种鸟类的数据集。23657个训练图像,875个测试图像(每个物种5个)和875个验证图像(每个物种5个)。所有图像均为jpg格式的224...Environment,Environment 2D Box
1.88G 1455
TED-LIUM 英语语音识别训练语料库 TIMIT阅读语音语料库旨在为语音研究以及自动语音识别系统的开发和评估提供语音数据。 TIMIT包含宽带录音,其中包括630位来自美国...Video Games Audio
19.82G 671
VOC06 训练/验证猫图像,猫脸检测 通过VOC06训练/验证猫图像对猫脸检测器进行了培训,并带有其他手动猫脸注释。提供了检测示例。...Animal Classification
376K 1076
百度无人车车道线检测训练集-复赛 本比赛是车道线识别挑战赛-复赛阶段的训练集tree.txt是原始图片的列表, 方便解压缩后校验。比赛第一名代码: Classification
23G 741