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ELI5记分器训练数据原型816000例,用于创建评分模型 ELI5 means Explain like I am 5 . It's originally a long and free form Question-Answering scraping from reddit eli5 s...NLP,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Education,Social Science,Sports,Regression,Transformers Classification
672.61M 302
OSCAR尼泊尔语语料库,尼泊尔语文本语料库,用于训练NLP的无监督语言模型 The files are from [OSCAR Corpus]( Please visit their site for more information.The dataset i...NLP,Computer Science,Movies and TV Shows,Text Data,Languages Classification
3.1G 356
KcBERT训练前语料库(韩国新闻评论) Computer Science,Education,News,NLP,Text Data Classification
11899.2M 291
GPT2预训练模型(Pytorch) NLP,Deep Learning Classification
11539.5M 637
BERT预训练模型(Tensorflow) NLP,Deep Learning Classification
12523.1M 609
伯特预训练模型(Pytorch) Arts and Entertainment,NLP,Deep Learning Classification
11895.8M 244
xlmr大预训练 Law,NLP Classification
2136.3M 256
张量流的ALBERT预训练参数 Earth and Nature,NLP Classification
349.26M 242
训练质量保证模型 Computer Science,NLP Classification
1806.62M 252
预先训练的伯特,包括剧本 Computer Science,NLP Classification
4477.46M 257
4316.7M 638
4313.21M 594
语言生成数据集:2亿个样本,用于语言生成的已处理Amazon Review数据集 Amazon Customer Reviews Dataset is a dataset of user-generated product reviews on the shopping website Amazon. It contai...NLP,Business,Deep Learning,Classification,Artificial Intelligence Classification
20.51G 368
EmojifyData数据集:1800万条英文推文,全部包含表情符号 So, me and my friend was participating IPavlov course on deep learning in NLP. As out final project we want to work on s...NLP,Online Communities,Text Data,Social Networks Classification
2.58G 587
NLP Word2Vec 现有的word2vec嵌入,包括手套和谷歌新闻,用于被训练来重建单词的语言上下文 Word2vec is a group of related models that are used to produce word embeddings. These models are shallow, two-layer neur...NLP,Computer Science Classification
5.89G 356
BioCreativeVI PM跟踪文档分类任务中的训练模型 The trained models in BioCreativeVI-PM-Track Document Triage Task....NLP Classification
2.16G 544
Facebook发布的300维预训练FastText英语单词向量 300-dimensional pretrained FastText English word vectors released by Facebook.The first line of the file contains the nu...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
4.52G 346
手套6B 200d预训练词向量 Business,NLP Classification
661.31M 338
用土耳其语编写的数据,可以训练word2vec或n-gram模型 This data contains each document written in Turkish and contains wiki document id. You can train word2vec or n-gram mode...NLP,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
463.02M 514
纽约时报评论,对《纽约时报》发表文章的评论,超过200万条评论 New York Times has a wide audience and plays a prominent role in shaping people's opinion and outlook on current aff...NLP,Computer Science,Programming,News Classification
1.55G 358