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猫与狗的重新组合转移特征,用预先训练的Keras CNN模型创建的特征 Most machine learning courses start by implementing a fully-connected Deep Neural Network (DNN) and proceed towards Conv...Deep Learning,Earth and Nature,Image Data,Transfer Learning Classification
1.17G 417
皮托克预训练伯特·哈奇森 Others Classification
3.95M 327
好的苹果数据集(包含测试与训练数据集) 好的苹果数据集...Others Classification
3.77G 1201
负荷预测训练 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Omar Aref# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
0.04M 691
画家训练第 2 部分 Arts and Entertainment,Art Classification
11970.2M 605
画家训练第 1 部分 Arts and Entertainment Classification
12869.4M 296
仅鲸鱼数据训练 Earth and Nature Classification
230.93M 284
VGG16 预训练数据(Weight值) # DatasetThis dataset was created by Kumar AbhijeetReleased under Data files ? Original Authors# ContentsIt contains the...Exercise Classification
527.84M 389
pytorch - 预训练 - 贝特 Others Classification
1.21M 262
训练所有.csv Internet Classification
5.03M 279
训练的 PyTorch 型号 Artificial Intelligence Classification
366.11M 286
InstaCart 训练示例 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
6.06M 679
CART、RF 训练和测试数据集 Business Classification
1.03M 414
训练数据 2 csv Utf.csv Others Classification
5.5M 518
狗与猫 - 训练,有效与评价 Animal Classification
549.7M 349
预先训练的 wrn Online Communities Classification
73.84M 266
画家训练第 3 部分 Arts and Entertainment Classification
12575.9M 312
预先训练的模型 Games,Board Games Classification
8.59M 528
快速预训练模型 Games Classification
968.52M 316
花卉图像数据集,包含 102 张训练中的花卉图像 花卉图像该数据集包含102张鲜花图像的训练...Plant,Earth and Nature Classification
661M 792