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越南数据集 Deep Learning,Languages,Artificial Intelligence,Transfer Learning Classification
8.51M 227
通过 URL 功能查找恶意 URL Earth and Nature Classification
0.09M 234
h1b 数据2 Arts and Entertainment Classification
23.76M 196
skrillex 编解码器 Arts and Entertainment,Software Classification
46.48M 195
斋浦尔天气预报 Earth and Nature,Religion and Belief Systems,India,Weather and Climate,Agriculture Classification
0.18M 436
纽约市的外国出生人口 Earth and Nature,Social Science,Socrata Classification
0.07M 245
NYS 主要层合同和项目状态 Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
0.6M 576
Idmb 电影 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.3M 209
IMDB 电影数据集 IMDB-Movie-data...Movies and TV Shows Classification
710K 648
C. 埃利根连接组 Earth and Nature,Online Communities,Software,Biology,Neuroscience Classification
0M 230
电影推荐比赛评分数据集 电影推荐比赛评分数据集...Movies and TV Shows Classification
2.8M 380
对象本地化的数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
13506.9M 190
南极洲的阿蒙森低海 Earth Science,Atmospheric Science,Antarctica Classification
0.02M 217
NLP SDS实验室V Earth and Nature Classification
0.14M 210
新时尚 Earth and Nature Classification
4.08M 206
FashionData(时尚数据彩色图像),高分辨率彩色时尚数据 There are 13 categories with around 30K color fashion images....Clothing and Accessories Classification
26.5G 484
电影标题 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.05M 209
图片CNN模型 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0M 194
登月任务 Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
0M 202
flipkartdataset Earth and Nature Classification
0M 347