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中国传统山水画数据集,可用于艺术品生成模型 目前基于GAN的艺术生成方法由于对条件输入的依赖而产生非原创的艺术作品。在这里,我们提出了Sketch-And-Paint GAN(SAPGAN),...Action/Event Detection Classification
63.11M 1057
DeepFashion数据集,一个大型服装数据集 We contribute DeepFashion database, a large-scale clothes database, which has several appealing properties:1、First, Dee...Fashion 2D Cuboid,2D Keypoints
57.9G 3384
DeepFashion: Attribute Prediction Category and Attribute Prediction Benchmark evaluates the performance of clothing category and attribute prediction. Thi...Fashion 2D Box
57.9G 1401
Fantasia Database All subjects remained in a resting state in sinus rhythm while watching the movie Fantasia (Disney, 1940) to help mainta...Music Analysis Audio,Classification
292.6M 600
Taobao Commodity Dataset TCD contains 800 commodity images (dresses, jeans, T-shirts, shoes and hats) from the shops on the Taobao website. The g...Fashion,Common Classification
30.5M 1135
SemArt Dataset Automatic art analysis has been mostly focused on classifying artworks into different artistic styles. However, understa...Aesthetics Image Caption,Classification
3.1G 1289
电影数据集 Data Set Information:数据以关系形式跨多个文件存储。中心文件(MAIN)是一个电影列表,每个电影都有一个唯一的标识符。这些标...Music Analysis Classification
1.65M 1041
KDC-4007文本数据集(体育、宗教、艺术、经济、教育、社会、风格和健康) Data Set Information:该数据集最重要的特点是其使用简单且有良好的文档记录,可广泛用于有关库尔德索拉尼新闻和文章的各种文本...Computer Classification
853K 679
国际象棋、体育和邮票用户数据集 Creators: Barbara and Frederick Hayes-RothDonor: David W. Aha (aha '@' (714) 856-8779Data Set Infor...Social Classification
3K 627
吉他和弦手指位置数据集 This dataset was originally created for a guitar learning software project ( Giancarlo F...Computer Classification
107K 609
音乐数据集覆盖33个国家/地区的1059条曲目,用于对出版商的地区分类 Creators:Fang Zhou (fang.zhou '@' University of Nottinghan, Ningbo, ChinaDonors of the Dat...Music Analysis Classification
604K 657
基于双盲听力测试和、四位专业大师音乐家数据集 Name: Mehmet Vurka?§, Ph.D.E-mail address: mehmet.vurkac '@', mehmet.vurkac '@', engi...Music Analysis Classification
433K 581
100首巴赫合唱曲的单线旋律数据集,音乐预测的多视点系统 Donor of database:俄亥俄州立大学的安·布隆巴赫最初为我提供了100首合唱曲的四声编码。目前的数据库是soprano行,转换为Lisp可...Music Analysis Classification
27K 1020
形状(正方形和三角形),一组用于学习分类器图像的形状数据集 Code UsageYou can create or generate your own shapes withpython3createshape.pyand you can convert those images dataset t...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Programming Classification
4.17M 1021
毒性评论分类挑战数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by ksayantaniReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following file...Arts and Entertainment Classification
7.99M 620
IMDB数据集 IMDB数据集...Music Analysis Classification
2875.03M 533
美容、美发数据集 美容、美发数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
13.7M 878
2012-2017年每小时历史天气数据 该数据集包含约5年的各种天气属性的高时间分辨率(每小时测量)数据,如温度、湿度、气压等。该数据适用于30个美国和加拿大城市...Earth and Nature,Weather and Climate,United States,Geography Classification
10.2M 529
贬义词数据集 贬义词数据集数据结构为:badwords.txt...Arts and Entertainment Classification
1.54K 549
它干净的火车 上下文该数据集是内核的输出(MBTI编写风格预测)。通过准备可在Kaggle上获得的MBTI数据集获取的内容。致谢我感谢上传原始MBTI个...Business,Earth and Nature,Computer Science Classification
11.35M 500