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带 Bbox 的卫星图像中的 CGI 平面 Arts and Entertainment,Transportation,Image Data,CNN Classification
668.61M 284
五区域勘测数据集 Business,Earth and Nature,News Classification
1.1M 189
清洁 2018 卡格尔调查数据 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Education Classification
4.9M 187
切明信息学 Earth and Nature,Chemistry Classification
1040.31M 539
来自Par公司的高尔夫球测试数据集 Earth and Nature,Retail and Shopping,Golf Classification
0M 268
去逻辑回归 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Classification,Binary Classification,Logistic Regression Classification
0.04M 200
NSL KDD Business,Earth and Nature Classification
53.29M 399
车道检测项目的视频文件 Arts and Entertainment,Software,Video Data Classification
31.92M 201
木材纹理样品 Business,Art Classification
0.79M 594
s7 v19.苏巴姆·夏尔马桑坦德的下一步是什么 Arts and Entertainment,News Classification
6.03M 215
SNLI 模型和重量 Earth and Nature,Exercise Classification
73.54M 203
加州理工学院 256 无重命名 2 Earth and Nature,Universities and Colleges,Image Data Classification
1105.66M 531
美容形象 Image Data Classification
4372.12M 524
专辑蛇 Earth and Nature Classification
0.03M 624
音乐数据 Others Classification
13.89M 263
工厂村数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
1236.77M 202
神奇宝贝数据集 seborn 基础知识 Earth and Nature Classification
0.47M 203
百万播放列表 Earth and Nature,Music,Recommender Systems Classification
2120.44M 203
Mywaifulist Earth and Nature,Software,Image Data Classification
3423.55M 224
泰坦尼克号 Dm 子集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.05M 223