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fastai - wt103 #数据集此数据集由Pamin Rangsiunpum在“其他”(在描述中指定)#目录下创建。它包含以下文件:...Business,Earth and Nature Classification
3.22G 305
最小 2 max10 e2 w 生成全局 Arts and Entertainment,Internet Classification
78.01M 301
印度超级联赛 2008-2019 Earth and Nature,News,Sports,Football,Cricket,India Classification
17.52M 287
得到了字符人气预测姿势 Arts and Entertainment,Religion and Belief Systems Classification
0.21M 232
样式传输的图像 Arts and Entertainment Classification
65.89M 252
拼图 pytorch 预训练伯特 Arts and Entertainment,Puzzles Classification
3.19M 530
挑战 Arts and Entertainment Classification
7102.49M 202
拉数据 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
23.95M 587
tf 集线器 elmo 2 Earth and Nature Classification
357.4M 919
打开图像列车 Arts and Entertainment Classification
1863.55M 226
监督排名数据 Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Online Communities,Games,Video Games Classification
0.14M 490
口语识别 Arts and Entertainment,Music,Languages Classification
15262.8M 204
图标-50 Earth and Nature,Image Data,Classification,Deep Learning,Animals,Multiclass Classification Classification
126.25M 203
TMDB 数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
38.19M 301
字母四重奏 3BLD Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.54M 470
纽约公务员职称 Earth and Nature,Law,Socrata Classification
1.13M 212
土耳其手语(手指) Earth and Nature,Linguistics,Languages Classification
260.65M 314
印度电影脸数据库 (IMFDB) Movies and TV Shows,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
64.64M 706
火车 6 Arts and Entertainment Classification
2419.94M 267
seq 为伯特为红帽子 #数据集此数据集由StellaHan创建#内容它包含以下文件:...Earth and Nature,Education Classification
47.8M 287