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撒谎预处理数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
2.87M 292
印地语英语科波拉 Arts and Entertainment Classification
39.48M 258
2018-2019 年英超数据 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Sports,Football,Data Visualization,Exploratory Data Analysis,Clustering Classification
0.01M 491
学生评分 Earth and Nature,Education,Art Classification
0M 565
脸 5 点 Arts and Entertainment Classification
8.73M 249
葡萄酒质量 Earth and Nature,Classification,Alcohol,Regression Classification
0.37M 233
基蒂由 A. h 和 G. f Arts and Entertainment,Image Data Classification
168.47M 242
KPP 培训数据 Business,Earth and Nature,Education Classification
4577.39M 246
住宅负载管理 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
0.04M 236
深NLP Earth and Nature,Education,Psychology,Linguistics,Languages Classification
0.65M 508
实时投标 Business,Earth and Nature,Artificial Intelligence Classification
455.45M 255
图例联盟匹配 ID 数据集 V2.0 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
2.56M 289
监督 Arts and Entertainment,Video Games Classification
0M 251
布朗菲尔德清理计划,完成证书 Business,Earth and Nature,Education,Socrata Classification
0.3M 233
NYS 航空客运,新泽西州港务局 Earth and Nature,Transportation,Socrata Classification
0.41M 311
签发的 NYS 许可证、许可证、非驾驶员身份证 内容有关每个文件的详细信息,请参见各个文件的说明。上下文这是由纽约州托管的数据集。该州有一个开放的数据平台[此处](https:/...Earth and Nature,Law,Socrata Classification
146.58M 375
NYS东行隧道及桥梁交通,港务局 内容港务局从六个港务局车辆交叉口(即乔治华盛顿大桥、荷兰隧道、林肯隧道、歌德大桥、Outerbridge交叉口和巴约讷大桥)的收费...Earth and Nature,Transportation,Socrata Classification
75.6K 335
风筝翼轨道 Arts and Entertainment,Weather and Climate,Water Sports Classification
54.91M 244
盒装数据集 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Time Series Analysis,Multiclass Classification Classification
152.98M 310
glrec-2019-阶段-2 测试调整大小-256x256 Business,Arts and Entertainment Classification
1200.98M 249