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MIT-BIH心律失常数据库 来自mit bih数据库的上下文ECG数据,来自物理网络内容.csv文件中的原始信号和.txt中的原始注释。确认,Heart Conditions Classification
288M 447
面部键点检测 - img Earth and Nature,Image Data Classification
22.92M 315
Clá西科斯德尔弗#xFA;阿根廷 Arts and Entertainment,Sports,Football Classification
0.05M 266
初始 Resnet V2 权重 Arts and Entertainment Classification
214.78M 681
用于签名验证的权重 Earth and Nature Classification
76.42M 350
清理的音位数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.02M 318
星座数据 Earth and Nature Classification
0.01M 322
画家测试 Arts and Entertainment Classification
11510.6M 277
画家训练第 3 部分 Arts and Entertainment Classification
12575.9M 328
驼背子 Earth and Nature Classification
0.57M 706
0.02M 697
全球地球地震 Earth Science Classification
0.5M 287
基辅圣索菲亚大教堂涂鸦字形 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Image Data,Art,History Classification
10.52M 658
100 个客户的产品客户调查数据 Earth and Nature,Education Classification
0M 302
开放大学学习分析数据集,课程、学生和评估数据 I am working on a Learning Analytics Program Evaluation Framework for a doctoral program that takes into account student...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education Classification
442.86M 486
万圣节调查 Arts and Entertainment,Social Science,Demographics,Holidays and Cultural Events,Survey Analysis Classification
0.14M 345
维基新闻 300d 1M 子字 Arts and Entertainment Classification
2152.31M 339
好莱坞电影 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.01M 677
电影评论 Movies and TV Shows Classification
73.45M 277
电影 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.16M 541