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GTZAN音乐/语音集 音乐-语音分类的需要在许多与现实生活材料有关的音频处理任务中显而易见,例如实地录音档案、广播和任何其他可能涉及语音和音乐...Software,Music Classification
323M 506
Eclipse 巨型电影 This first-of-its-kind citizen science project is a collection of photos submitted by a group of dedicated volunteers fr...Earth and Nature,Bigquery Classification
22M 391
图像定位数据集,这是为图像定位任务(单个对象)创建的数据集 Including images and its corresponding .xml files. Before drawing bounding boxes, all images were resized to (227,227,3)...Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Food,Computer Vision,Multiclass Classification Classification
2.76M 415
SF 开发管道 Business,Earth and Nature,Socrata,Housing Classification
2.31M 585
女性模型图像数据集,有jpg 和png两种格式 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Tom Howard# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Clothing and Accessories,Software,Art Classification
350M 381
NER 的数据集文本正式文档 Earth and Nature Classification
0M 361
画家训练第 2 部分 Arts and Entertainment,Art Classification
11970.2M 647
画家训练第 1 部分 Arts and Entertainment Classification
12869.4M 329
仅鲸鱼数据训练 Earth and Nature Classification
230.93M 302
卡格尔数据集数据 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Data Visualization,Data Cleaning Classification
0.65M 326
电影分级数据 Movies and TV Shows Classification
525.9M 347
电影中的单词事件 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,Linguistics Classification
1.32M 317
使用 Seaborn 的神奇宝贝视觉统计数据! Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
0.01M 313
一次学习 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Education,Image Data,Classification Classification
9.19M 294
工程学院学生数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Mayur AkewarReleased under Data files ? Original Authors# ContentsIt contains the f...Earth and Nature,Education,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.07M 345
时尚衣服类图像数据集,包含标注数据 时尚衣服类图像数据集,包含标注数据...Person,Fashion Classification
1.68M 571
现在, #x27我称之为音乐 (美国版本) Earth and Nature,Music,Popular Culture Classification
0.17M 346
问题对数据集 Software,Linguistics,Languages,Artificial Intelligence Classification
57.93M 358
1965-2016年大地震 背景国家地震信息中心(NEIC)确定全球范围内发生的所有重大地震的位置和规模,并立即向国家和国际机构、科学家、关键设施和公众传...Earth Science,Geology Classification
2.29M 389
葡萄酒数据集 - 无人监督的算法 The dataset contains :178 observations13 features : Alcohol MalicAsh Alcalinity MagnesiumPhenols Flavanoids Nonflavanoid...Earth and Nature,Computer Science Classification
4.2K 801