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有史以来最好的艺术品 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Image Data,Classification,Art Classification
2214.57M 561
零售时尚数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Nikhil Mittal# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Retail and Shopping Classification
3.98M 429
宝莱坞电影数据集 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.3M 516
回归核 Earth and Nature,Software Classification
0.02M 241
终结者系列电影剧本 Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Text Data,Exploratory Data Analysis,LSTM,Keras Classification
0.75M 306
imdb电影数据 Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Recommender Systems Classification
0.71M 283
1914 2019年电影摄影中的所有伤害 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Crime,Text Data,Exploratory Data Analysis,Text Mining Classification
0.09M 325
tmdb电影分级(示例) NLP,Data Visualization,Data Cleaning,NLTK,corrplot Classification
6.55M 401
文本电影评论数据集 Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Text Data,Data Visualization Classification
0.79M 298
惊奇漫画电影宇宙对话数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,NLP Classification
1.13M 369
IMDB 50K电影评论(测试你的BERT) Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Text Data,Art Classification
62.91M 292
预处理的ImDb电影评论数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Classification,Text Data Classification
42.53M 305
斯坦福电影评论数据集 Movies and TV Shows,NLP Classification
32.21M 659
美国电影故事 Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Literature Classification
11.16M 306
宝莱坞电影Kabir Singh在推特上写道 Online Communities,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,India Classification
5.48M 317
MPST:带有标签的电影情节简介 Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Classification,Linguistics,Feature Engineering Classification
74.04M 329
用于二元情感分析的IMBD电影评论 Movies and TV Shows,Retail and Shopping,NLP Classification
31.42M 316
维基百科的电影情节 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Text Data,Recommender Systems Classification
77.43M 708
CGIntrinsics:基于物理的场景渲染图像数据集 固有图像分解是一个具有挑战性的,长期存在的计算机视觉问题,对于该问题很难获取地面真实数据。我们探索使用合成数据来训练基于...Aesthetics 2D Box,Classification
30.26G 680