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联邦调查局社区与犯罪非规范化数据集,可预测的犯罪属性(N=18) Data Set Information:源数据集需要通过编程进行组合。包括许多变量,以便可以测试选择或学习属性权重的算法。然而,明显不相关...Social Regression
1.5M 889
社区和犯罪预测数据集,涉及分析警察的人均人数和分配 Data Set Information:Many variables are included so that algorithms that select or learn weights for attributes cou...Social Regression
250K 1329
水质研究,采集藻类样本以确定藻类种群分布数据集 Data Set Information:该数据来自一项水质研究,该研究从欧洲不同河流的现场采集了大约一年的样本。这些样品分析了各种化学物质...Physical N/A
38K 1587
CNNpred:基于CNN的股市预测,使用一组不同的变量数据集 Data Set Information:它涵盖了各类技术指标、期货合约、大宗商品价格、全球市场重要指数、美国市场主要公司价格和国债利率的特...CNN,Computer Classification
2.7M 799
CNAE-9数据集 1080个巴西公司经济活动分析数据 Data Set Information:这是一个数据集,包含1080个巴西公司的自由文本业务描述文档,这些文档被归类为国家经济活动分类表(Class...Business Classification
24K 924
数据集 Data Set Information:The data sets we propose to analyse are constituted of 1024 vectors, each vector includes 10 parame...Physical N/A
59M 768
2019用于意图分类和范围外预测的评估数据集 Data Set Information:There are 4 versions of the dataset:- data_full.json: each of the 150 in-domain intent classes have...N/A Classification
1M 1013
气候模式模拟数据集,气候模型不确定性量化(UQ)集成期间遇到的模拟碰撞记录 该数据使用LLNL的UQ管道构建,由劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室根据合同DE-AC52-07NA27344在美国能源部的赞助下创建,由LLNL的不确...Physical Classification
244K 754
chipseq 基因组数据集 Data Set Information:These data are significant because they are among the first to provide labels that formalize the ge...Life Classification
34.7G 804
国际象棋(车王vs兵王)数据集 Data Set Information:The dataset format is described below. Note: the format of this database was modified on 2/26/90 to...Game Classification
15K 860
字符轨迹数据集 Multiple, labelled samples of pen tip trajectories recorded whilst writing individual characters. All samples are from the same writer, for the purposes of primitive extraction. Only characters with a single pen-down segment were considered....Computer Classification, Clustering
0M 788
美国航天飞机挑战者号O型环数据集 Data Set Information:There are two databases: (both use the same set of 5 attributes):1. Primary o-ring erosion and/or b...Physical Regression
2K 985
子宫颈癌行为风险数据集 Data Set Information:Provide all relevant information about your data set.Attribute Information:This dataset consist of...Health Classification
4K 1231
加拉加斯大学医院 858名患者子宫颈癌危险因素数据集 Data Set Information:该数据集收集于委内瑞拉加拉加斯的“加拉加斯大学医院”。该数据集包括858名患者的人口统计信息、习惯和历...Medical,Life Classification
100K 1021
人口普查收入数据集 Data Set Information:Extraction was done by Barry Becker from the 1994 Census database. A set of reasonably clean record...Social Classification
623K 982
心血管造影数据集 2126个胎儿心电图(CTG) Data Set Information:2126个胎儿心电图(CTG)被自动处理,并测量各自的诊断特征。三位产科专家也对CTG进行了分类,并为每个CTG...X-Ray,Life Classification
1.7M 1145
CalIt2大楼中人员流动计数数据集,用于大楼安防 Data Set Information:Observations come from 2 data streams (people flow in and out of the building), over 15 weeks, 48 t...N/A N/A
164K 746
女性剖腹产分类数据集 Data Set Information:Provide all relevant information about your data set.Attribute Information:We choose age, delivery...Health Classification
1.4K 789
Twitter和Tom's Hardware社交媒体中的嗡嗡声预测数据集 This dataset contains two different social networks: Twitter, a micro-blogging platform with exponential growthand extre...Computer Regression
33.3M 785
网络攻击中,对光突发交换(OBS)网络数据集 Data Set Information:For Further information about the variables see the file in the data folder.Attribute Information:1...Computer Classification
179K 748