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Virus Share 可执行文件数据集的动态特性 Data Set Information:This dataset contains the dynamic features of 107,888 executables, collected by VirusShare from Nov...Computer Classification
4.3M 1049
车辆通信数据集 Data Set Information:Communications were setup based on IEEE 802.11p standards at 5.9Ghz. 10BSM (Basic Service messages)...Automobiles and Vehicles Clustering
32.8M 932
药物评价数据集数据集 Data Set Information:The dataset provides patient reviews on specific drugs along with related conditions. Furthermore,...Medical Classification
1.1M 1309
服饰属性数据集(样式、价格、尺寸、季节、领口、袖长、腰围线) Data Set Information:样式、价格、等级、尺寸、季节、领口、袖长、腰围线、材质、制作类型、装饰、图案、类型、建议是数据集中...Business Classification
5.6M 800
股票价格预测数据集 Data Set Information:在预测股票价格时,你会收集某个时间段的数据——天、周、月等,但你不能利用某个时间段的数据,直到该时...Business Classification
34.3K 1039
药物研发中化合物结合及特征分析的数据集,可用于药物研发 Data Set Information:药物通常是小的有机分子,通过与受体上的靶点结合而达到预期的活性。发现新药的第一步通常是识别和分离与...Medical,Health Classification
3.72M 747
道奇环形传感器数据集,洛杉矶101北高速公路的Glendale入口匝道收集 Data Set Information:This loop sensor data was collected for the Glendale on ramp for the 101 North freeway in Los Angel...N/A N/A
164K 1127
文档理解数据集 Data Set Information:In the experimentation, 30 single page documents were considered. They are copies of letters sent b...N/A N/A
74K 869
离婚预测数据集 Data Set Information:Provide all relevant information about your data set.Attribute Information:1. If one of us apologiz...Life Classification
32.3K 1044
不诚实互联网用户数据集 Data Set Information:在普适计算中,交互用户无法获得关于彼此可信度的信息。因此,不公平的用户可以恶意地对待他人。所提出的...Person Classification
10K 777
离散色调图像特性数据集 Data Set Information:This dataset contains a total of 71 images including 11 types of images with its distorted versions...Computer Classification
24.8M 1076
美国130家医院,糖尿病患者1999-2008年数据集 Data Set Information:该数据集代表了美国130家医院和综合交付网络10年(1999-2008年)的临床护理。它包括50多个代表患者和医院...Life Classification
3.2M 936
糖尿病患者记录数据集 Data Set Information:糖尿病患者记录来自两个来源:自动电子记录设备和纸质记录。自动装置有一个内部时钟来标记事件,而纸质记...Life N/A
182K 1590
OCR图像数据集,可用于OCR系统分类算法的基准测试 Data Set Information:Data Type: GrayScale Image The image dataset can be used to benchmark classification algorithm for...NLP Classification
76.7M 884
检测恶意软件类型数据集 Provide a short description of your data set (less than 200 characters)....Computer Classification
0M 858
皮肤科数据集,包含红斑和鳞状疾病诊断数据 Data Set Information:This database contains 34 attributes, 33 of which are linear valued and one of them is nominal. The...Medical Classification
5K 1584
503种属于Demospongiae类的海绵数据集 Data Set Information:This dataset contains 503 sponges belonging to the Demospongiae class collected from the Mediterran...Life Classification
281K 727
商店数据集的需求预测 Contains data for a store from week 1 to week 146....N/A Regression
0M 1195
DBWorld电子邮件分类数据集 Data Set Information:I collected 64 e-mails from DBWorld newsletter and I used them to train different algorithms in ord...Computer Classification
153K 785
无传感器驱动诊断数据集 Owner of database: Martyna Bator (University of Applied Sciences, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, martyna.bator '@' hs-owl.d...Industry Classification
24.4M 1409