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教育背景下软件工程团队合作评估数据集 Prof. D. Petkovic (SFSU) Petkovic '@'; Prof. Rainer Todtenhoefer (Fulda University, Germany); Prof. Shi...Computer Classification
399M 882
Daphnet冻结步态数据集,腿部和臀部的可穿戴加速度传感器识别步态冻结 Data Set Information:The Daphnet Freezing of Gait Dataset is a dataset devised to benchmark automatic methods to recogni...Business Classification
20.5M 1179
巴西大型物流公司的真实数据库,每日预测订单数据集 Data Set Information:The database was collected during 60 days, this is a real database of a Brazilian company of large...Business Regression
5K 1071
凹版印刷中圆柱带数据集 Data Set Information:Here's the abstract from the above reference:ABSTRACT: Machine learning tools show significant...Physical Classification
19K 862
冷冻治疗数据集 Data Set Information:Provide all relevant information about your data set.Attribute Information:Provide information abou...Life Classification
32.8K 732
2014-2015年的陆地卫星时间序列卫星图像数据集 Data Set Information:This dataset was derived from geospatial data from two sources: 1) Landsat time-series satellite im...Physical Classification
1M 934
用于农田分类的融合双时相光学雷达数据集 Data Set Information:This big data set is a fused bi-temporal optical-radar data for cropland classification. The images...Agriculture Classification
151.74M 1141
信贷审批数据集 Data Set Information:This file concerns credit card applications. All attribute names and values have been changed to me...Business Classification
13K 904
COVID-19监测数据集 Wildan Wiguna, Program Studi Sistem Informasi Kampus Kota Tasikmalaya, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika.Data Set Info...Health Classification
1K 888
Corel图像特征数据集,包含68040张不同类别的照片 Data Set Information:The original image collection was obtained from Corel at [Web Link]. There are 68,040 photo images...Industry Classification
16.31M 885
避孕方法选择数据集,根据妇女的人口和社会经济特征预测其当前避孕方法的选择 Data Set Information:该数据集是1987年印度尼西亚全国避孕普及率调查的子集。这些样本是已婚妇女,她们要么没有怀孕,要么在接...Life Classification
6K 886
集装箱起重机控制器数据集数据集 Data Set Information:Two predictive attributes (Speed and Angle) and one attribute target (Power).A container crane has...Computer Classification
1K 814
金属圆柱体上反弹声纳信号获得的数据集 The data set was contributed to the benchmark collection by Terry Sejnowski, now at the Salk Institute and the Universit...Physical Classification
62K 2267
Nettalk语料库数据集 包括20008个带重音的对齐字母和语音表示法 该数据集是由Terry Sejnowski,现在在索尔克研究所和加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥的基准集合。该数据集是与普林斯顿大学的查尔斯·罗...N/A N/A
175K 896
connect-4游戏数据集 Data Set Information:This database contains all legal 8-ply positions in the game of connect-4 in which neither player h...Game Classification
389M 937
美国众议院议员国会投票记录数据集 Data Set Information:该数据集包括美国众议院议员对CQA确定的16张关键选票的投票。CQA列出了九种不同类型的投票:投票赞成、配...Social Classification
4K 1083
液压系统状态监测数据集 Data Set Information:数据集是在液压试验台上通过实验获得的。该试验台包括一个主要工作和二次冷却过滤回路,通过油箱[1]、[2]...Computer Classification
73.1M 1265
混凝土坍落度试验数据集 Data Set Information:The data set includes 103 data points. There are 7 input variables, and 3 output variables in the d...Computer Regression
3K 1011
混凝土抗压强度数据集,用于工程建造 Data Set Information:Number of instances 1030Number of Attributes9Attribute breakdown8 quantitative input variables, and...Physical Regression
33K 987
计算机硬件数据集 Data Set Information:The estimated relative performance values were estimated by the authors using a linear regression m...Computer Regression
4K 1050