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分子生物学(启动子基因序列)数据集,可用于评估一种混合学习算法(KBANN) Data Set Information:This dataset has been developed to help evaluate a hybrid learning algorithm (KBANN) that uses exam...Life Classification
5K 727
MoCap手姿势数据集,可用于进行姿势识别 Data Set Information:Vicon运动捕捉摄像头系统用于记录12名使用者在左手手套上贴上标记,进行5种手部姿势。手套背面的刚性标记...Action/Event Detection Classification
32.4M 773
移动机器人数据集 Donors:Volker Klingspor, Katharina J. Morik, Anke D. RiegerComputer Science Dept. LS VIIIUniversity of Dortmund, Germany...Computer N/A
1.46M 1189
分子生物学(启动子基因序列)数据集 The dataset was created for the comparison and evaluation of hybrid indoor positioning methods. The dataset presented contains data from W-LAN and Bluetooth interfaces, and Magnetometer. ...Computer Classification, Clustering, Causal-Discovery
0M 604
MiniBooNE粒子识别数据集 Data Set Information:The submitted file is set up as follows. In the first line is the the number of signal events follo...Physical Classification
87M 802
213个微生物菌株获得的571个质谱数据集 Data Set Information:该MALDI-TOF数据集包括:A) 一个由20种革兰氏阳性和阴性细菌组成的参考小组,涵盖9个属,其中有几种已知...Life Classification
1.51M 761
微博客PCU数据集 数据集被用于探索微博中的垃圾邮件发送者 Jun Liu(liukeen '@', Hao Chen(lechenhao '@' , Mengting Zhan, Jianhong Mi,Yanzha...Computer Classification
5.8M 623
小鼠蛋白质表达数据集 Data Set Information:数据集包括77种蛋白质/蛋白质修饰的表达水平,这些蛋白质修饰在皮质的核部分产生可检测的信号。共有38只对...Life Classification
1.6M 680
MHEALTH(移动健康)数据集 Oresti Banos, Department of Computer Architecture and Computer Technology, University of Granada Rafael Garcia, Departme...Health Classification
72.1M 854
不同机器学习、神经和统计分类算法数据集 Data Set Information:This DataSet is about the results of Statlog project. The project performed a comparative study bet...Computer Classification
7K 920
乳腺摄影海量数据集 Data Set Information:乳房X光摄影是目前最有效的乳腺癌筛查方法。然而,乳房X光片解释导致的乳腺活检的低阳性预测值导致约70%的...Life Classification
4K 586
恶意软件静态和动态特征和病毒总数据集 Data Set Information:- staDynBenignLab.csv: 1086 features extracted from 595 files on MS Windows 7 and 8, obtained Progr...Computer Classification
1.7M 643
魔术伽马望远镜数据集,光子与高层大气中宇宙射线引发的强子簇射图像 Data Set Information:这些数据是MC生成的(见下文),用成像技术模拟地面大气切伦科夫伽马望远镜中高能伽马粒子的注册。切伦科...Physical Classification
604K 734
基于机器学习的ZZAlpha股票推荐数据集 Data Set Information:1. Title of Database: Machine Learning based ZZAlpha Stock Recommendations2. Sources:(a) Original o...Business Classification
18.6M 736
结核分枝杆菌基因数据集 Data Set Information:The data was collected from several sources, including the Sanger Centre ([Web Link]) and SWISSPROT...Life Classification
43.6M 764
淋巴造影数据集 Data Set Information:这是肿瘤学研究所提供的三个领域之一,在机器学习文献中反复出现。(另见乳腺癌和原发肿瘤。)Attribute I...Life Classification
2K 598
肺癌数据集 Data Set Information:This data was used by Hong and Young to illustrate the power of the optimal discriminant plane even...Medical Classification
1K 840
帕金森病康复言语治疗语音康复数据集 The dataset was created by Athanasios Tsanas (tsanasthanasis '@' of the University of Oxford.Data Set...Life Classification
593K 695
低分辨率光谱仪数据集,IRAS-LRS数据库的531个高质量光谱 Data Set Information:红外天文卫星(IRAS)是第一次尝试在红外波段绘制全天图。地面观测站无法做到这一点,因为大部分红外光谱...Physical Classification
477K 823
肝脏疾病数据集 Data Set Information:前5个变量都是血液检测,被认为对过度饮酒可能引起的肝脏疾病敏感。数据集中的每一行构成一个男性个体的记...Medical Classification
5K 2045