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手部自由运动数据集 Data Set Information:The dataset (movement_libras) contains 15 classes of 24 instances each, where each class refer...Physical Classification
149K 682
26个大写字母识别数据集 Data Set Information:The objective is to identify each of a large number of black-and-white rectangular pixel displays a...NLP Classification
366K 986
透镜数据集 Original Source:Cendrowska, J. PRISM: An algorithm for inducing modular rules, International Journal of Man-Machine Stud...N/A Classification
1K 648
澳大利亚法律案例,法律案例报告数据集 Filippo Galganigalganif '@' of Computer Science and EngineeringThe Univeristy of New South...Computer Classification
80.8M 632
LED显示域数据集 Original Source:Breiman,L., Friedman,J.H., Olshen,R.A.,Stone,C.J. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth...Computer Classification
5K 770
树叶数据集,可用于植物物种识别系统 Data Set Information:For further details on this dataset and/or its attributes, please read the 'ReadMe.pdf' fil...Computer Classification
78M 1044
拉斯维加斯大道数据集 Data Set Information:All the 504 reviews were collected between January and August of 2015.Attribute Information:The dat...Business Classification
59.4K 561
劳动关系数据集 Data Set Information:Data was used to test 2 tier approach with learning from positive and negative examplesAttribute In...Social N/A
9K 693
KDD Cup 1998数据集 Data Set Information:Please see associated text files in the download folder.Attribute Information:N/ARelevant Papers:N/...N/A Regression
140M 948
KDC-4007文本数据集(体育、宗教、艺术、经济、教育、社会、风格和健康) Data Set Information:该数据集最重要的特点是其使用简单且有良好的文档记录,可广泛用于有关库尔德索拉尼新闻和文章的各种文本...Computer Classification
853K 686
卡桑德尔数据集,预测给定用户是否会点击给定报价 Data Set Information:We created this data by sampling and processing the logs. The data records offers wh...Life Causal-Discovery
900M 610
日本信贷筛选数据集 Creator: Chiharu SanoDonor: Chiharu Sanocsano '@' bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDUData Set Information:Examples represent posi...Business Classification
13K 708
伊斯坦布尔证券交易所数据集 Data Set Information:Data is collected from and Data is organized with regard to working...Business Classification
68.6K 730
ISOLET数据集 150名受试者两次说出字母表中每个字母的名称 Data Set Information:This data set was generated as follows. 150 subjects spoke the name of each letter of the alphabet...Computer Classification
9.61M 1173
IPUMS项目是联邦人口普查数据集 Data Set Information:The original source for this data set is the IPUMS project (RugglesSobek, 1997). The IPUMS project...Social N/A
7.97M 595
互联网一般人口统计数据集 Data Set Information:This data comes from a survey conducted by the Graphics and Visualization Unit at Georgia Tech Octo...Computer N/A
261K 859
Internet广告数据集,预测图像是否为广告或非广告 Data Set Information:This dataset represents a set of possible advertisements on Internet pages. The features encode the...Computer Classification
264K 575
智能媒体加速度计和陀螺仪(IM-AccGyro)数据集 The IM-AccGyro dataset is devised to benchmark techniques dealing with human activity recognition based on inertial sensors. ...Physical Classification
0M 817
保险公司基准(COIL2000)数据集 Data Set Information:客户信息由86个变量组成,包括产品使用数据和来自邮政区号的社会人口统计数据。该数据由荷兰数据挖掘公司S...Social Regression
439K 909
基于RSS的数据集,可用于用户室内运动预测 Data Set Information:如[1]所述,该数据集代表了环境辅助生活应用领域的现实基准。二元分类任务包括根据无线传感器网络(WSN)...Sports,Computer Classification
58.2M 864