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四足哺乳动物数据集 Data Set Information:The file animals.c is a data generator of structured instances representing quadruped animals as us...Life Classification
4K 675
用于挖掘定量流上的模糊序列模式的数据集 Omid Shakeri, M.Sc omid.shakeri '@' ; omid.shakeri '@' gmail.comData Mining Lab., Computer Eng...N/A N/A
10.8M 659
QSAR鱼类毒性数据集 Davide Ballabio (davide.ballabio @, Matteo Cassotti, Viviana Consonni, Roberto Todeschini, Milano Chemometric...Physical Regression
30.5K 699
QSAR鱼类生物浓缩因子(BCF)数据集 Francesca Grisoni, University of Milano-Bicocca, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Milano ChemometricsQSAR Rese...Life Regression
144K 674
伪周期合成时间序列数据集,用于测试时间序列数据库中的索引方案 Data Set Information:此数据集用于测试时间序列数据库中的索引方案。这是一个比任何已发表研究(我们目前所知)中使用的数据集...Physical Classification
4.84M 664
蛋白质数据集 N/AData Set Information:N/AAttribute Information:N/ARelevant Papers:N/APapers That Cite This Data Set1:Michihiro Kuramoc...Life Classification
69K 636
原发肿瘤数据集 Data Set Information:This is one of three domains provided by the Oncology Institutenthat has repeatedly appeared in the...Life Classification
3K 543
预测在线社交媒体数据集中的关键词活动 Fran?ois Kawala (1,2) Ahlame Douzal (1) Eric Gaussier (1) Eustache Diemert (2) Institutions :(1) Université Joseph Four...Computer Classification
13.9M 643
PPG DaLiA是基于PPG的心率估计的公开数据集 Data Set Information:PPG DaLiA是基于PPG的心率估计的公开数据集。该多模式数据集的特点是,15名受试者在接近现实生活的条件下...Computer Regression
2.7G 1402
术后患者数据集 Data Set Information:The classification task of this database is to determine where patients in a postoperative rec...Medical Classification
2K 617
波兰公司破产数据集 Data Set Information:The dataset is about bankruptcy prediction of Polish companies. The data was collected from Emergin...Business Classification
8.4M 720
PPGDaLiA 扑克手势数据集 Data Set Information:每一张唱片都是一手牌的例子,这手牌由从52张标准牌组中抽出的五张扑克牌组成。每张卡片使用两个属性(西...Game Classification
5.37M 812
PMU-UD数据集数据集包含0到9之间的手写乌尔都语/阿拉伯数字 Ghazanfar Latif, College of Computer Engineering and Sciences, Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University, Al Khobar, Saudi Ara...Computer Classification
4.2M 716
波兰公司破产数据集 Data Set Information:The time period is between Jan 1st, 2010 to Dec 31st, 2015. Missing data are denoted as NA.Attribut...Physical Regression
3.23M 615
EEG记录包含许多规则的振荡数据集(涉及脑电图,眼电图) Rajen Bhatt, rajen.bhatt '@', IIT DelhiData Set Information:EEG记录包含许多规则的振荡,这些振荡被认为...Computer Classification
39.6K 691
匹兹堡桥数据集 Data Set Information:There are two versions to the database: - V1 contains the original examples and- V2 contains descri...Environment Classification
4K 888
蛋白质三级结构数据集的物理化学性质 Prashant Singh Rana, psrana '@', ABV - Indian Institute of Information TechnologyManagement, Gwalior,...Life Regression
3.4M 627
物理不可压缩函数数据集,k-XOR仲裁器PUFs模拟生成两个数据集 Attribute Information:There are two datasets generated from k-XOR Arbiter PUFs simulation: (1) 5-XOR_128bit dataset: Thi...Physical Classification
152M 635
钓鱼网站数据集 Rami Mustafa A Mohammad ( University of Huddersfield, rami.mohammad '@', rami.mustafa.a '@' gm...Computer Classification
112K 777
香水气味数据集 Prof. Dr. Bekir KARLIK, bkarlik '@', Department of Computer Engineering, Selcuk University, Konya-...Computer Classification
10K 1392