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消费者投诉-金融,消费者投诉数据库是消费者金融产品的集合 消费者投诉数据库是关于消费者金融产品和服务的投诉的集合,我们将这些投诉发送给公司进行回应。投诉在公司做出回应,确认与消费...NLP Text
1.57G 425
重复消耗矩阵数据集(包含用户消费的次数和物品) Dimitrios Kotzias, dkotzias '@', University of California IrvineData Set Information:There are 7 dat...Computer Clustering
53.5M 811
Airbnb新用户的预订情况,订房建模(基于消费者的行为) # DatasetThis dataset was created by Ryan(Sangyoon) Shin# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Business Classification
0.85M 461
印度消费者购买汽车的行为 印度消费者汽车(汽车)购买行为。这里的目标是使用机器学习技术提高经销商网点的汽车销售。在当前状态下,ML算法应用于carwala...Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
1K 530
顾客在ClubMahindra度假村消费,客户支出预测 Club Mahindra in association with Analytics Vidhya organised the DataOlympics .The task is to use information that was a...Business,Random Forest,Economics Classification
133.52M 571
亚马逊产品的消费者评论数据,超过 34,000 条亚马逊产品评论列表 about This DataThis is a list of over 34,000 consumer reviews for Amazon products like the Kindle, Fire TV Stick, and mo...Retail and Shopping,Ratings and Reviews Classification
395.01M 673
拉脱维亚旅游业的选择性数据,拉脱维亚国内生产总值、游客及其消费 来自拉脱维亚中央统计局( )的数据输出,特别是为了独立的探索性数据分析和可视化的最小项目,我做了...Business,Beginner,Travel,Economics,Global Classification
7K 804
消费者人口画像数据集-用于信用评分 消费者人口画像-信用评分...Person,Lending Classification
12.49M 522
2015年食品消费 Business Classification
0.02M 448
按产品分类的家庭最终消费数据集 按产品分类的家庭最终消费数据集...Economics Classification
19K 432
家庭最终产品消费 Business Classification
0.02M 385
消费者投诉 Others Classification
468.52M 768
消费者投诉 Others Classification
637.21M 414
科罗拉多州丹佛市消费者物价指数 Economics,Ratings and Reviews Classification
3.35M 349
GREEND:绿色能源数据集,意大利和奥地利家庭能源消费数据集 The measurement campaign was an ambitious aspect of the MONERGY project in which we monitored active power (Watts) at 1...Business,Economics Classification
5.81M 500
学生酒精消费 Universities and Colleges,Public Health,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.11M 335
五三八酒精消费数据集,探索来自FiveThrityEight的数据 This folder contains the data behind the story Dear Mona Followup: Where Do People Drink The Most Beer, Wine And Sp...Business,Alcohol Classification
5K 538
按产品表示的突尼斯家庭消费 Business,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0M 315
消费者价格指数 背景:劳工统计局将消费者价格指数(CPI)定义为一种统计指标,用于衡量主要消费群体(如食品、住房、服装、交通和医疗保健)中...Business,Social Science,Ratings and Reviews Classification
12M 413
消费者财务理财调查 Business,Finance,Economics,Survey Analysis,Income Classification
2.83M 307