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0.01M 623
安#xE1;大多斯- 能源消费 Others Classification
0.05M 335
amir消费特征数据集 amir消费特征数据集...Business,Data Analytics Classification
1.11G 404
啤酒消费 - 圣保罗,预测啤酒消费量数据集 Beer is one of the most democratic and consumed drinks in the world. Not without reason, it is perfect for almost every...Beginner,News,Linear Regression,Alcohol Classification
20M 713
通货膨胀,消费价格 Business,Finance,Investing,Economics Classification
0.13M 230
消费者投诉数据库,金融服务投诉 One question people always have is: What is the best financial institution, or at what bank are customers the most happy...Lending Classification
394.34M 322
汽车 - 墨西哥加索利纳消费 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.35M 211
消费者投诉 Others Classification
645.79M 469
按产品百家户型的最终消费 Economics Classification
0.08M 216
巴西的消费者商业投诉 Business,Brazil Classification
406.23M 221
具有消费者评级的餐厅数据 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Restaurants Classification
0.2M 274
CDC 糖消费 2003 Health,Health Conditions,Nutrition Classification
0M 364
德国青少年的酒精和药物消费 Health,Social Science,Public Health,Alcohol Classification
0.01M 356
消费投诉 Others Classification
1271.57M 193
突尼斯人的最终消费 Others Classification
0.19M 235
2018年世界人口和消费价格指数 Business,Social Science,Demographics Classification
0.01M 264
消费者投诉-金融产品,该数据集包括消费者对金融产品的投诉和文本 This data is a collection of complaints about consumer financial products and services that we sent to companies for res...NLP,Beginner,Text Data,Banking,Text Mining,Lending Classification
243.79M 334
汽车消费者汽车评级和评论,数据集包含 62 个主要品牌的数据 This is a dataset containing consumer's thought and the star rating of car manufacturer/model/type.Content-Currently...Automobiles and Vehicles,Retail and Shopping,Ratings and Reviews Classification
137.62M 775