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遮罩图像 Image Data Classification
1.18M 422
遮罩图像 Image Data Classification
0.13M 409
蜜蜂图像数据集,注释的蜜蜂图像;带有位置、日期、健康和更多标签的蜜蜂 Every third bite of food relies on pollination by bees. At the same time, this past winter honeybee hive losses have exc...Agriculture,Image Data,Biology,Animals,Environment Classification
52.2M 659
数据1 Image Data Classification
2245.44M 708
最新 IMDB Business,Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.1M 346
狗种分类器,用于构建具有狗和人图像的狗应用程序的数据集 Dog-Breed classifier Dataset for building the Dog app having dog and human images...Animal,Deep Learning Classification
1.2G 662
人脸边缘肖像图像数据,黑色背景数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Brad Lee# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Person,Face Classification
124.39M 313
用户面部的掩码数据集(可能不包括身体),该数据集用于将人群与背景图像分开 This data is a mask of user face (might not include body). It does not contain Image file. Therefore should use with [Sh...Image Data,Computer Vision,People Classification
6.58G 525
从组织学图像识别细胞核,组织学图像数据集 Machine learning model for identifying cell nuclei from histology images. The model having the ability to generaliz...Beginner,Data Visualization,Computer Science,Health,Image Data,CNN,Biology Classification
387.42M 470
图像定位数据集,这是为图像定位任务(单个对象)创建的数据集 Including images and its corresponding .xml files. Before drawing bounding boxes, all images were resized to (227,227,3)...Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Food,Computer Vision,Multiclass Classification Classification
2.76M 428
女性模型图像数据集,有jpg 和png两种格式 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Tom Howard# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Clothing and Accessories,Software,Art Classification
350M 385
图像 Online Communities Classification
0.01M 315
图像 Image Data Classification
56.16M 790
野火遥感3D图像 # DatasetThis dataset was created by C_MReleased under Data files ? Original Authors# ContentsIt contains the following...Arts and Entertainment Classification
7.98M 339
RSNA 肺炎图像检测挑战赛数据集 RSNA肺炎图像检测挑战赛数据集...Medical Classification
17.22G 626
文本到图像 Image Data Classification
118.35M 606
时尚衣服类图像数据集,包含标注数据 时尚衣服类图像数据集,包含标注数据...Person,Fashion Classification
1.68M 581
手写数学符号数据集,超过10万个图像样本 Dataset consists of jpg files(45x45)DISCLAIMER: dataset does not contain Hebrew alphabet at all. It includes basic Greek...NLP,Computer Science,Law,Email and Messaging Classification
410.19M 668
食品图像数据集 食品图像数据集...Food Classification
4.62G 364
350 000+来自 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Movies and TV Shows Classification
192.15M 362