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imdb-rv Movies and TV Shows Classification
129.19M 426
《泰坦尼克号》图片 Movies and TV Shows,History Classification
0.01M 399
FER2013 Image Data Classification
287.13M 668
农作物疾病图像数据集 农作物疾病图像数据集...Medicine Classification
665M 650
Pytorch的狗vs猫图像数据集 Pytorch的狗vs猫图像数据集...Animal Classification
1.1G 1059
验证图像 Image Data Classification
6.61M 467
训练图像 Image Data Classification
47.72M 466
《星球大战》的隐写图像 Image Data Classification
28.1M 453
宝莱坞歌词贴上标签 Movies and TV Shows Classification
5.8M 453
IMDB前250 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.08M 773
谷歌开放图像数据 谷歌开放图像数据...Online Communities Classification
2.2G 424
家用电器、生活用品、电子设备等14000种商品训练图像数据集 家用电器、生活用品、电子设备等14000种商品训练图像数据集...Business,Image Data Classification
8.1G 676
图像 Online Communities Classification
0.22M 784
域到域的图像 Arts and Entertainment Classification
3579.57M 651
化妆还是不化妆 Image Data,Classification,Deep Learning,Beginner,Binary Classification,Make-Up and Cosmetics Classification
9.69M 610
图像 Image Data Classification
15.38M 451
伊尔苏西 Internet,Image Data Classification
0.01M 385
RSNA 2级训练图像到numpy阵列 Earth and Nature Classification
1352.54M 602
用无衬线谷歌字体书写的字母图像数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Jihye YeomReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains the...NLP,Image Data Classification
768M 590
图像编码 Image Data Classification
56.01M 812