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从组织学图像识别细胞核,组织学图像数据集 Machine learning model for identifying cell nuclei from histology images. The model having the ability to generaliz...Beginner,Data Visualization,Computer Science,Health,Image Data,CNN,Biology Classification
387.42M 421
350 000+来自 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Movies and TV Shows Classification
192.15M 322
初始 V3 型号 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,Games,Artificial Intelligence Classification
103.78M 332
IMDB 10,000 最具投票的专题片 (04/11/18) Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
2.27M 319
Netflix Movies and TV Shows Classification
12.64M 273
Netflix Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.09M 536
imdb 整个原始 Movies and TV Shows Classification
64.79M 250
乐高砖排序 - 图像识别 Image Data,Classification,Neural Networks Classification
308.41M 287
乐高与通用砖 - 图像识别 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Classification,Neural Networks Classification
1579.87M 513
欧洲黄蜂 vespula 秃鹰基蒂格式 Biology,Image Data Classification
506.6M 248
牛津-IIIT宠物数据集,包含37个类别的宠物数据集 The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset is a 37 category pet dataset with roughly 200 images for each class created by the Visual Ge...Classification,Image Data,Multiclass Classification,Animals Classification
755.83M 1107
帕拉维 Movies and TV Shows Classification
2718.24M 293
边界框预测器 Image Data Classification
329.38M 321
请参阅谢尔盖·拉夫里科夫 Movies and TV Shows Classification
16.74M 196
威格纳 Csnl 纹理 Mnist 格式 Image Data,Deep Learning Classification
2542.14M 407
在推特上对钢铁侠 3 的公众反应 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.58M 221
猜出相关性 Image Data,CNN Classification
166.02M 229
初始 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.15M 243
托尔 : 拉格纳罗克推特数据 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.58M 212
乐高套装 Movies and TV Shows,Games,Linear Regression Classification
17.81M 438