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IMDB v3 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.58M 322
《盗梦空间3ch》八月 Movies and TV Shows,Retail and Shopping Classification
469.85M 275
爱丽丝梦游仙境古登堡计划 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.17M 276
1000年,Netflix显示 Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.08M 292
imdb-rv Movies and TV Shows Classification
129.19M 300
《泰坦尼克号》图片 Movies and TV Shows,History Classification
0.01M 275
FER2013 Image Data Classification
287.13M 395
宝莱坞歌词贴上标签 Movies and TV Shows Classification
5.8M 297
IMDB前250 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.08M 507
化妆还是不化妆 Image Data,Classification,Deep Learning,Beginner,Binary Classification,Make-Up and Cosmetics Classification
9.69M 342
伊尔苏西 Internet,Image Data Classification
0.01M 238
影评 Movies and TV Shows,Retail and Shopping Classification
63.19M 226
标准普尔500指数高/低/收盘/成交量 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.06M 401
玻璃和桌子,包含 3200 张玻璃和 3200 张桌子照片数据集 眼镜和桌子,包含 3200 张玻璃和 3200 张桌子照片数据集...Classification,Image Data,Binary Classification Classification
1.44G 472
终极Beastmaster:第一季 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,Music,Popular Culture Classification
0.03M 224
imdb审查和嵌入 Movies and TV Shows,Comics and Animation Classification
470.66M 225
感情分类的电影评论 # Dataset 这个数据集是由沙普提库创建的 CC0下发布: 公共领域 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Movies and TV Shows,Retail and Shopping Classification
7.44M 301
初始版本3 Movies and TV Shows,Games Classification
83.84M 208
数据1 Image Data Classification
2245.44M 446
最新 IMDB Business,Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.1M 201