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脑电稳态视觉诱发电位号数据集,可用于视觉图像搜索 该数据库是通过使用商业设备对30名受试者进行实验获得的,以部分满足博士学位的要求。计算机科学候选人:Fernandez Fraga S.M.,...Life Classification
37.3M 723
车辆通数据集 Data Set Information:Communications were setup based on IEEE 802.11p standards at 5.9Ghz. 10BSM (Basic Service messages)...Automobiles and Vehicles Clustering
32.8M 939
DBWorld电子邮件分类数据集 Data Set Information:I collected 64 e-mails from DBWorld newsletter and I used them to train different algorithms in ord...Computer Classification
153K 792
巴西大型物流公司的真实数据库,每日预测订单数据集 Data Set Information:The database was collected during 60 days, this is a real database of a Brazilian company of large...Business Regression
5K 1078
贷审批数据集 Data Set Information:This file concerns credit card applications. All attribute names and values have been changed to me...Business Classification
13K 914
金属圆柱体上反弹声纳号获得的数据集 The data set was contributed to the benchmark collection by Terry Sejnowski, now at the Salk Institute and the Universit...Physical Classification
62K 2282
脱落酸号网络数据集,植物号网络内各节点相互作用的布尔规则集 Data Set Information:其目的是确定描述该植物信号网络内各节点相互作用的布尔规则集。该数据集包括使用异步更新方案对真实规则...Life Causal-Discovery
14K 796
101种食物的图片 This is the Food 101 dataset, also available from contains imag...Business Classification
4.69G 547
大卖场销售预测 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Debashish DalalReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: ? Original Authors...Business Classification
1.53M 521
Udacity AB测试最终项目数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Tammy Rotem# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
1.1K 496
随机的购物车数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by DataWizard20# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
0.23M 406
Airbnb新用户的预订情况,订房建模(基于消费者的行为) # DatasetThis dataset was created by Ryan(Sangyoon) Shin# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Business Classification
0.85M 463
DBPedia与实体关系的葡萄牙语 DBPedia with Entity Relations in Portuguese...Business Classification
31.93M 447
GooglePlay商店应用数据分析 GooglePlay商店应用数据分析数据结构:GooglePlayStoreBEFORE.csv...Computer Classification
299K 850
kc房子数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by sawayaka# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Industry Classification
2.4M 601
预测网络攻击数据集 预测网络攻击数据集...Others Classification
30.45M 488
图像传输速率 图像传输速率的数据集数据结构为:akosombo.csv...Business Classification
7K 449
Kickstarter项目 我是一个众筹爱好者,我从kickstarter的早期就开始关注它。现在我只是收集数据,我制作的唯一一个应用是这个推特机器人,它可以...Business,Crowdfunding Classification
34.48M 529
抽水机,水表的数据挖掘 Cloned from,Environment,Biology,Environment Classification
25.33M 768
坐在数据 坐在数据的数据集数据结构为:sat_data.csv...Standardized Testing Classification
1K 387