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现代汉语语法息词典 现代汉语语法信息词典,含8万词的360万项语法属性描述。数据引用:@data{DVN/EDQWIL_2017,author={Yu,ShiwenandZhu,Xuefeng},publ...MNIST Classification
68.5M 687
0M 703
970M 628
MERL梅尔购物数据集 MERL 购物数据集由 106 个视频组成,每个视频的序列大约为 2 分钟。这些视频来自一个固定的头顶摄像头,向下看人们在杂货店购物...Business Classification
1.72G 909
钓鱼网站数据集 Neda AbdelhamidAuckland Institute of Studiesnedah '@' Set Information:The phishing problem is cons...Computer Classification
32.8K 858
波形数据库生成器(版本1)数据集 Original Owners:Breiman,L., Friedman,J.H., Olshen,R.A.,Stone,C.J. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth...Physical Classification
496K 850
波能转换器数据集 Creator/Donor: Mehdi Neshat , Optimization and Logistic group, Computer science department, Adelaide University, neshat....Computer Regression
55.9M 837
URL誉数据集 'Identifying Malicious URLs: An Application of Large-Scale online Learning' (ICML-09)Justin Ma, Lawrence K. Saul...Computer Classification
233.66M 800
普渡大学UNIX命令历史记录数据集 Terran Lane:terran '@' ecn.purdue.eduData Set Information:This file contains 9 sets of sanitized user data drawn...Computer N/A
161K 741
大学基础息数据集 Original Owner: unknownDonor: Steve Souders souders '@' ads.comData Set Information:Format: Each observation con...N/A Classification
16K 901
阿拉伯语情绪分析数据集的Twitter数据集 N. A. Abdulla, naabdulla11 '@' Set Information:--- By using a tweet crawler, we collect 2000...Social Classification
265K 765
土耳其垃圾邮件V01数据集 Cuneyt Ozdemir, cozdemir '@', Siirt University TBMYOData Set Information:A total of 330 spam and 49...Social Classification
2.14M 742
来自谷歌中欧洲24个类别的景点进行评论数据集 Shini Renjith, shinirenjith '@' gmail.comData Set Information:This data set is populated by capturing user ratin...N/A Classification
622K 913
Syskill和Webert网页评级数据集 Michael PazzaniDepartment of Information and Computer Science,University of California, IrvineIrvine, CA 92697-3425 pazz...Computer Classification
468K 846
综合控制图时间序列数据集 Dr Robert Alcock rob '@' skyblue.csd.auth.grData Set Information:This dataset contains 600 examples of control c...N/A Classification
342K 765
学生贷款关系数据集 Donor: Michael J. Pazzani University of California, IrvineIrvine, CA USAData Set Information:The predicate no_payment_du...Social N/A
14K 872
南德贷数据集 Ulrike Gr?mpingBeuth University of Applied Sciences BerlinWebsite with contact information: https://prof.beuth-hochschul...Business Classification
12.8K 1007
SMS垃圾邮件收集数据集 Tiago A. Almeida (talmeidaData Set Information:This corpus has been collected from free or free for research sources at...Computer Classification
199K 1306
SIFT10M数据集,已用于评估近似近邻搜索方法 Xiping Fu, Brendan McCane, Steven Mills, Michael Albert and Lech SzymanskiDepartment of Computer Science, University of...Computer Causal-Discovery
7.3G 875
基本手部运动数据集,收集的肌肉激活的息数据 Christos Sapsanis (csapsanis @ and Anthony TzesANeMoS LabSchool of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUnivers...Life Classification
26.9M 880