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STAFF III Database The STAFF III database was acquired during 1995–96 at Charleston Area Medical Center (WV, USA) where single prolonged b...Medical 2D Box
3.16G 779
Fantasia Database All subjects remained in a resting state in sinus rhythm while watching the movie Fantasia (Disney, 1940) to help mainta...Music Analysis Audio,Classification
292.6M 592
Sleep Bioradiolocation Database The database contains 32 records of non-contact sleep monitoring by a bioradar. The records are accompanied by results o...Person 2D Box,Classification
1.5G 615
Heart Rate Oscillations during Meditation Database Heart rate time series for 5 different groups of healthy subjects can be found in text form in the subdirectories of thi...Medical 2D Box,Audio
8.8M 490
Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on Parkinsonian Tremor Database The recordings of this database are of rest tremor velocity in the index finger of 16 subjects with Parkinson's disease...Medical 2D Box,Audio
3.5M 609
CTU-CHB Intrapartum Cardiotocography Database This database, from the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague and the University Hospital in Brno (UHB), contains 5...Medical 2D Box,Classification
38.3M 2730
CiPA ECG Validation Study Database ECG effects of ranolazine, verapamil, lopinavir+ritonavir, chloroquine, dofetilide, diltiazem, and dofetilide+diltiazem...Medical 2D Box,Audio
3G 569
CHB-MIT Scalp EEG Database This database, collected at the Children’s Hospital Boston, consists of EEG recordings from pediatric subjects with int...Medical 2D Box,Audio
42.6G 1837
CAST RR Interval Sub-Study Database TheCardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) was a landmark NHLBI-sponsored study designed to test the hypothesis that...Medical Classification
616.6M 551
MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database Since 1975, our laboratories at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital (now the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) and at MIT...Medical Classification
73.5M 1161
MIT-BIH Atrial Fibrillation Database This database includes 25 long-term ECG recordings of human subjects with atrial fibrillation (mostly paroxysmal).Data D...Medical 2D Box,Classification
440M 672
MNIST database The MNIST database of handwritten digits, available from this page, has atraining set of 60,000 examples, and a test se...MNIST Classification
11M 1144
MIMIC-III Clinical Database MIMIC-IIIis a large, freely-available database comprising deidentified health-related data associated with over 40,000 p...Medical Classification
21.6M 800