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AR Face Database人脸识别图像数据,包括126个人,超过4000张图 该人脸数据库由美国农业银行计算机视觉中心(CVC)的亚历克斯·马丁内斯(Aleix Martinez)和罗伯特·贝纳文特(Robert Benavent...Person,AR/MR,Image Search 2D Box,Classification
1.17G 2011
Extended Yale Face Database B 人脸数据集 Extended Yale Face Database B 是灰度图人脸图像数据集,包含 28 个人,在 9 种不同的姿势和 64 种不同的拍摄参数下,总共 1612...Face 2D Box
1.99G 2161
SUN Database 图像场景分类数据集,包含899个类别和130519 张图像 AbstractScene categorization is a fundamental problem in computer vision. However, scene understanding research has been...Image Search Classification
38.18G 1065
CUHK Face Sketch Database (XM2GTS) CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Cuboid
17.25M 889
CUHK Face Sketch Database (AR ) CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Box
5.16M 925
CUHK student Face Sketch Database CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Box
18M 798
CMU-MIT face database CMU-MIT is a data set collected by Carnegie Mellon University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All pictures ar...Face 2D Box
29.3M 1416
visual relationship detection database To benchmark progress in visual relationship detection, we also introduce a new dataset containing 5000 images with 37,9...Action/Event Detection 2D Box,Pose
2.16M 592
Wilson Central Terminal ECG Database AbstractThe Wilson Central Terminal ECG Database (WCTECGdb)contains the Wilson Central Terminal (WCT), the voltage of ri...Pose Estimation,Medical 3D Model,2D Polygon
306.2M 752
UniCA ElectroTastegram Database (PROP) The UniCA ElectroTastegram Database (PROP) contains 39 differential biopotential measurements recorded from the tongues...Action/Event Detection 2D Keypoints
7.9M 595
Term-Preterm EHG Database AbstractThe Electrohysterogram records (uterine EMG records) included in the Term-Preterm ElectroHysteroGram DataBase (T...Person,Medical Audio
245.5M 651
T-Wave Alternans Challenge Database AbstractThis database has been assembled for the PhysioNet/Computers in Cardiology Challenge 2008. It contains 100 multi...Music Analysis,Medical Audio
105M 504
VOice ICar fEDerico II Database The healthy voices or the presence of each vocal fold's disorders were clinically verified by the medical experts involv...Person,Medical Audio
110.1M 779
St Petersburg INCART 12-lead Arrhythmia Database This database consists of 75 annotated recordings extracted from 32 Holter records. Each record is 30 minutes long and c...Medical 2D Box
563.5M 980
Sleep Apnea Database AbstractThis database contains 25 full overnight polysomnograms with simultaneous three-channel Holter ECG, from adult s...Person,Medical 2D Box
757.4M 642
Sudden Cardiac Death Holter Database An estimated 400,000 Americans, and millions more worldwide, die suddenly each year. These events are most often initiat...Medical 2D Polyline
1.1G 772
Sleep-EDF Database Files with extensions .rec and .hyp contain original recordings and their hypnograms, respectively, in European Data For...Medical 2D Box
314.6M 838
Smart Health for Assessing the Risk of Events via ECG Database The ECG Holter was performed after a one-month anti-hypertensive therapy wash-out. The patients, aged 55 and over (inclu...Medical 2D Box,Classification
1.74G 785
Sleep Heart Health Study PSG Database The Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) is a prospective cohort study designed to investigate the relationship between sleep...Medical 2D Box
93.6M 1615
Spontaneous Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia Database This database contains 135 pairs of RR interval time series, recorded by implanted cardioverter defibrillators (Medtroni...Medical 2D Box,Image Caption
2.6M 541