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wallmart 销售预测数据集 News,Finance Classification
15.29M 258
商城客户 Computer Science,Retail and Shopping,Clustering,K-Means Classification
0M 275
Hearthstone Hearthstone卡名称和描述的翻译数据 Translation of Hearthstone card names and descriptions.Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, K...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Games,Comics and Animation,Card Games Classification
54.7M 503
在线零售 Retail and Shopping Classification
18.67M 255
数字游牧民族 Retail and Shopping Classification
0.1M 211
数据产品名称 印度尼西亚拉扎达 Retail and Shopping Classification
0.79M 539
在线零售 #数据集此数据集由Adnan根据世界银行数据集使用条款#内容创建,包含以下文件:...Retail and Shopping Classification
903K 271
支持票证分类 Retail and Shopping Classification
14.29M 208
商店 1 #数据集此数据集由peppermintshake在“其他”(在描述中指定)下发布#内容创建。它包含以下文件:...Retail and Shopping Classification
24M 730
亚马逊 #数据集此数据集由Andrew#Contents创建。它包含以下文件:...Retail and Shopping Classification
1.4M 297
数字图像处理数据集 NTUST Retail and Shopping,Computer Vision,Cycling Classification
1.41M 214
超级商店 Retail and Shopping Classification
1.69M 246
盗窃检测 Retail and Shopping Classification
11047.9M 245
大市场销售 Retail and Shopping Classification
1.33M 323
宝马定价挑战 Retail and Shopping,Ratings and Reviews Classification
0.57M 576
Instacart 预测购物时间 Business Classification
63.75M 522
shotchartdata Others Classification
1.26M 308
flipkartdataset Earth and Nature Classification
0M 327
Flipkart网格 Mobile and Wireless Classification
0M 161
亚马逊Vs.Flipkart图书价格 Business,Internet,Finance,Economics,Literature Classification
0.21M 437