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斯里兰卡家具价格数据集 在斯里兰卡和许多其他国家,拥有包含家具价格信息的数据点的来源有限。我想创建这个数据集,以便所有数据科学家都可以在他们的项...Business Classification
1.1M 621
大商场销售数据集,用于Big Mart 销售预测 Big Mart 的数据科学家收集了 2013 年不同城市 10 家门店的 1559 种产品的销售数据。此外,还定义了每个产品和商店的某些属性。...Business Text
306K 1510
BigEarthNet-S2 遥感数据集 BigEarthNet档案由柏林工业大学(TU Berlin)的遥感图像分析(RSiM)小组和数据库系统与信息管理(DIMA)小组构建。这项工作得到...Remote Sensing 3D Keypoints
66G 1413
ArT场景文本数据集 包括10166幅图像 ArT数据集将包括10166幅图像。它被分为一个包含5603张图像的训练集和一个包含4563张图片的测试集。 ArT是Total Text[4]、SCUT-CT...OCR/Text Detection,Action/Event Detection,Image Data Classification
5.59G 1186
​Fruits 360 水果蔬菜数据集 Fruits 360数据集包含水果和蔬菜的高质量图像数据集。包括以下水果和蔬菜:苹果(不同品种:深红色雪,金黄色,金红色,奶奶史密...Smart Retailing 2D Box
731.55M 1713
St Petersburg INCART 12-lead Arrhythmia Database This database consists of 75 annotated recordings extracted from 32 Holter records. Each record is 30 minutes long and c...Medical 2D Box
563.5M 900
Smart Health for Assessing the Risk of Events via ECG Database The ECG Holter was performed after a one-month anti-hypertensive therapy wash-out. The patients, aged 55 and over (inclu...Medical 2D Box,Classification
1.74G 686
Sleep Heart Health Study PSG Database The Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) is a prospective cohort study designed to investigate the relationship between sleep...Medical 2D Box
93.6M 1471
Heart Rate Oscillations during Meditation Database Heart rate time series for 5 different groups of healthy subjects can be found in text form in the subdirectories of thi...Medical 2D Box,Audio
8.8M 438
CTU-CHB Intrapartum Cardiotocography Database This database, from the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague and the University Hospital in Brno (UHB), contains 5...Medical 2D Box,Classification
38.3M 2662
SemArt Dataset Automatic art analysis has been mostly focused on classifying artworks into different artistic styles. However, understa...Aesthetics Image Caption,Classification
3.1G 1131
RP2K Pipeline of our data collection process. Our photo collectors were first distributed in over 500 different retail stores...Smart Retailing Classification
5.9G 984
Kickstarter项目 我是一个众筹爱好者,我从kickstarter的早期就开始关注它。现在我只是收集数据,我制作的唯一一个应用是这个推特机器人,它可以...Business,Crowdfunding Classification
34.48M 442
Mercari品牌列表 Retail and Shopping Classification
0.41M 439
批发超市数据集 批发超市数据集...Business Classification
3.21M 926
MADELON # 数据集这个数据集是由 Sayoni Roychowdhury 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Retail and Shopping Classification
1M 391
Kickstarter项目 Finance Classification
14.29M 406
出口-数据- 2018 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Mohammad Ariful Islam# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Retail and Shopping Classification
50.83M 463
罗斯曼商店销售 News,Retail and Shopping Classification
37.7M 521
ISP对国会的贡献 Retail and Shopping,Government Classification
0.01M 331