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歌词generationx Others Classification
0.12M 31
Carlercon x和y列车的连接 Others Classification
65.43M 267
DS201Xu最终项目 Others Classification
1K 50
X射线检测 Others Classification
529.54M 631
hcc数据完成 平衡.xlsx Software Classification
0.07M 413
X光扫描224 Others Classification
1793.41M 187
文本语料数据集,包含所有《宋飞》剧集脚本的文本语料库 ContextSeinfeld is my favorite TV show. I wrote a script to scrape the scripts of all Seinfeld episodes from the site se...Text Data Classification
1.41M 594
将验证码图像转换成文本的数据集 ContextEverytime I read a paper or anything abut image processing the examples are always easy and most of time don'...NLP,Text Data Classification
9.1M 617
胸部x光面罩和标签 Health,Biology,Image Data,Health Conditions,Computer Vision,Healthcare Classification
5161.58M 286
来自202个Stackexchange站点的标记集合 This data is extracted from StackExchange for over 200+ websites under the Umbrella. This data consists of all possible...NLP,Business,Online Communities,Text Data Classification
16.75M 295
所有英文停止字(700+;) Computer Science,Education,NLP,Feature Engineering,Python Classification
0.01M 255
1994 2009年Arxiv量子物理学论文 Education,NLP,Physics Classification
92.19M 321
arxiv数据集,过去18个月的存档数据集 arxiv dataset arxiv dataset for the past 18 months...NLP Classification
94.28M 676
亚马逊Alexa评论 NLP Classification
0.49M 641
WikiText长期依赖性语言建模数据集 WikiText语言建模数据集是从维基百科上一组经过验证的好文章和特色文章中提取的超过1亿个令牌的集合。与宾夕法尼亚树库(PTB)的...NLP,Deep Learning,Text Data Classification
1.11G 287
xlmr大预训练 Law,NLP Classification
2136.3M 276
Arxiv论文元数据数据集 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education,NLP,Research Classification
9304.44M 366
xl净重 Earth and Nature,Exercise,NLP Classification
1376.45M 258
4316.7M 681
4313.21M 644