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高分辨率卫星图像标注数据集(xBD) “xBD”包含了大约70万个建筑物在8种不同的自然灾害之前和之后的卫星图像,包括地震、野火、洪水和火山爆发。它覆盖了约5000平方...Image Search Classification
0M 1594
ChestXRay2017胸腔X射线透视图数据集 ChestXRay2017数据集共包含5856张胸腔X射线透视图,诊断结果(即分类标签)主要分为正常和肺炎,其中肺炎又可以细分为:细菌性肺...X-Ray 2D Box
1.14G 646
CUHK Face Sketch Database (XM2GTS) CUHK Face Sketch database (CUFS) is for research on face sketch synthesis and face sketch recognition. It includes 188 f...Face 2D Cuboid
17.25M 827
Wrist PPG During Exercise AbstractThis database contains wrist PPGs recorded during walking, running and bike riding. Simultaneous motion estimate...Game 2D Box,Pose
49.8M 720
Tai Chi, Physiological Complexity, and Healthy Aging - Gait The "Tai Chi, Physiological Complexity, and Healthy Aging—Gait" database contains two-channel gait recordings of 87 old...Person,Fashion Pose
503.3M 570
Squid Giant Axon Membrane Potentia The applied stimulus current profiles can be divided into two groups: Stochastically summated polysynaptic currents (PSC...Animal 2D Box
901.7M 914
COVIDx We introduce COVIDx, an open access benchmark dataset that we generated comprising of 13,975CXR images across 13,870 pat...Medical Classification
5.46M 490
普渡大学UNIX命令历史记录数据集 Terran Lane:terran '@' ecn.purdue.eduData Set Information:This file contains 9 sets of sanitized user data drawn...Computer N/A
161K 666
肩部植入物X射线制造商分类数据集 Kazunori Okada, kazokada '@', BIDAL: Biomedical Image and Data Analyses Lab, Department of Computer Sci...Life Classification
6M 802
物理不可压缩函数数据集,k-XOR仲裁器PUFs模拟生成两个数据集 Attribute Information:There are two datasets generated from k-XOR Arbiter PUFs simulation: (1) 5-XOR_128bit dataset: Thi...Physical Classification
152M 587
Northix数据集 Farid Bourennani, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, farid.bourennani '@' uoit.caData Set Informatio...Computer Classification
1.2M 573
低分辨率光谱仪数据集,IRAS-LRS数据库的531个高质量光谱 Data Set Information:红外天文卫星(IRAS)是第一次尝试在红外波段绘制全天图。地面观测站无法做到这一点,因为大部分红外光谱...Physical Classification
477K 751
土耳其西北地区燃气轮机CO和NOx排放数据集,可用于研究烟气排放 Data Set Information:The dataset contains 36733 instances of 11 sensor measures aggregated over one hour (by means of av...Computer Regression
1M 1232
Exasens数据集,包括在Exasens内的4组唾液样本(COPD哮喘感染HC)的人口统计数据 Data Set Information:The Exasens dataset includes demographic information on 4 groups of saliva samples (COPD-Asthma-Inf...Medical Classification
13.7K 621
DeepWeedsX 在澳大利亚北部收集的大型杂草物种图像数据集 DeepWeedsX 数据集由 9 个类别的 17,508 个独特的 256x256 彩色图像组成。有 15,007 张训练图像和 2,501 张测试图像。这些图像是...Agriculture,Earth and Nature,Biology Classification
944.59M 846
toxic-xgboost toxic-xgboost的数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
12.8M 474
2018年Bixi共享单车出行量数据集 ContentOD_2018-xx.csv:individual,timestampedtripsStations_2018.csv:stationcodeswithlocationbixi_station_information.json...Travel Classification
253.41M 630
clownexample clownexample的数据源数据结构为:Jan_17_2018-001.wav...Others Classification
155M 568
2017年数据科学中预处理的肺癌40 x100x100数据集 ContextThis is the data I preprocessed for the 2017 Data Science Bowl from Kaggle: Data,Cancer Classification
5.38G 615
KKBOX搅动scala标签 #数据集此数据集由InfiniteWing在CC0:Public Domain#Contents下发布创建。它包含以下文件:Version2(89.99 MB)calendar_view_we...Business Classification
55.5M 459