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222.54M 387
初始 Resnet V2 权重 Arts and Entertainment Classification
214.78M 684
resnet50 Others Classification
97.75M 571
resnet34 - fastai Others Classification
83.26M 380
Netflix Movies and TV Shows Classification
12.64M 294
resnetv2 Others Classification
214.78M 569
Netflix Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.09M 579
SE-ResNet-50、101 和 152 在 ImageNet Deep Learning,CNN Classification
513.31M 414
resnet34 上可爱的猫和狗 Animal Classification
162.59M 416
Upenn ESE-545 项目 1 Netflix 数据 Earth and Nature,Universities and Colleges Classification
472.26M 295
ssd 512 resnet50 v1 voc Others Classification
325.85M 351
Resnet50 Others Classification
188.39M 257 PSPNet 预训 (TF) Video Games Classification
873.67M 627
resnet18 - 5c106cde. pth Others Classification
44.66M 602
卫星图像中的船舶数据集,使用Planet卫星图像对旧金山湾的船只进行分类 卫星图像提供对各种市场的独特见解,包括农业、国防和情报、能源和金融。新的商业图像提供商,例如 Planet,每天都在使用小卫星...Business Classification
185M 494
更快的 Rcnn 初始 Resnet v2 在 Oid 上训练 Transfer Learning Classification
265.9M 249
resnet - pytorch Others Classification
83.26M 624
初始ResNetV2 Others Classification
213.41M 221
imagenet - vgg - 非常深 - 19. mat Computer Science,Games Classification
510.12M 271
ResNet-152 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Software,Programming,Architecture Classification
230.34M 239