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resnet-50-weights-file Others Classification
90.27M 431
resnet权重 Exercise Classification
90.27M 455
titanicnet Others Classification
0.16M 420
mobilenet 1 0 224 tf.h5 Others Classification
16.43M 474
mobilenet 1 0 128 tf.h5 Others Classification
16.43M 470
Framenet Earth and Nature Classification
1367.72M 373
训练U-net模型 Others Classification
1.93M 417
谷歌地标挑战2019 ResNet50 Others Classification
1509.07M 506
NetVLAD世宗地标数据集 Others Classification
1566.34M 386
1000年,Netflix显示 Arts and Entertainment,Internet,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.08M 390
ExoPlanetsFlux Astronomy Classification
277.64M 416
pytorch densenet pretrained Others Classification
273.3M 420
Keras DenseNet权重 Earth and Nature,Deep Learning,CNN Classification
398M 432
3 # x2B猴;土耳其电影Yonetmen yap # x131; mc # x131;, Oyuncu . .(土耳其) Movies and TV Shows,Cooking and Recipes Classification
0.01M 602
nasnetamobile公司 Others Classification
20.49M 373
xlnetlargemodel公司 Others Classification
1376.45M 661
RESNET50基线 Others Classification
269.45M 389
resnet模型 Others Classification
269.46M 655
打开多语言WordNet Computer Science Classification
46.08M 262
PNASNet5大 Others Classification
329.16M 337