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1K 175
Demanda 电气澳大利亚 Others Classification
3K 229
tf gan 代码 2018 1007 Others Classification
280.59M 174
EURUSD jan/2014 oct/2018 Business,Finance,Investing,Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
3064.99M 489
Coursera 机器学习 Andrew Ng Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education,Beginner,Linear Regression Classification
0.01M 233
功能重要性分析 Anagha Joshi Computer Science Classification
0.01M 283
ANN 丘改建模 Others Classification
0.65M 167
MNIST 图像 ANN 实验室 4 Image Data Classification
14.97M 357
FHLBank 样本 2013 17 Banking Classification
9.53M 16
ZoomTanzania 分类汽车数据集 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
1.5M 256
按地区 EFF 和 ANC MP'的所有权 Real Estate Classification
0M 475
MyAnimelist动漫数据集,包含15000条动漫数据 MyAnimelist动漫数据集,包含15000条动漫数据。这是一份未经过滤的流行网站,在2019年2月4日更新的动画片...Anime and Manga Classification
5M 1705
乌迪米类 Anns Others Classification
0.71M 232
TransparenciaSantos Others Classification
40.85M 162
网络ANAMOLY检测 Others Classification
21.56M 201
loandata Others Classification
20.44M 417
anothertest Others Classification
2K 21
AnimeSketchColorPair Aviation Classification
6467.85M 452
兽医(VeChain Binance数据集) Others Classification
0.03M 48
ankit土壤数据 Earth Science Classification
0.46M 219