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ANSUR数据 Others Classification
2.38M 32
genbanku prrsvu数据 Banking Classification
36.22M 32
作为泡菜的LANL培训 Education,Earth Science Classification
3600M 212
3336.85M 244
1921.37M 234
来自202个Stackexchange站点的标记集合 This data is extracted from StackExchange for over 200+ websites under the Umbrella. This data consists of all possible...NLP,Business,Online Communities,Text Data Classification
16.75M 294
Tanglish情绪分析推文,使用了4个标签来描述推特的情绪 So it all started when I was looking for Abusive Tamil tweets in the Roman Script to use for a project and instead of fi...NLP,Deep Learning,Online Communities,People Classification
0.85M 312
日语-英语字幕语料库(JESC)[CLEANED],由280万个句子组成的大型语料库 This dataset is cleaned version of JESC by handling misplelled English words and doing word segmentation using:English=...NLP,Business,Computer Science,Languages Classification
220.08M 345
阿拉伯语Levantine仇恨语音检测 Social Networks,NLP Classification
0.69M 286
Python中情感库的比较,分析Vader、Pattern和Stanford CoreNLP的总统演讲和推文 **Context**- These datasets were produced as part of a little research project I undertook for a blog post on sentiment...NLP,Computer Science,Programming,Social Science,Python,Retail and Shopping Classification
14.45M 606
Catatan Cakrawala模型 Business,Clothing and Accessories,Image Data,NLP Classification
1595.43M 286
问题分类:Android还是iOS? Computer Science,Software,Programming,NLP,Deep Learning Classification
51.72M 298
越南Van hoc Earth and Nature,NLP,Literature Classification
4.24M 286
Bracia Figo Fagot analiza sentymentu餐厅 Arts and Entertainment,NLP Classification
0.09M 286
PANDA PANDA is the first gigaPixel-level humAN-centric video dataset, for large-scale, long-term,and multi-object visual analy...Person 2D Box
6.31G 736
ScanRefer数据:使用自然语言在RGB-D扫描中进行3D对象定位 IntroductionWe introduce the task of 3D object localization in RGB-D scans using natural language descriptions.As input,...Others Classification
58.59M 755
Transparent Objects Please visit the official website of this dataset for details...NLP Classification
0M 452
FreiHAND Others Classification
0 680
ScanObjectNN Others Classification
0 1230
Arabic Handwritten Characters Others Classification
0 744