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Mapillary Vistas MapillaryVistas拥有25k街景图像(18ktrain,2k val,5k test),分辨率广泛。数据集的“研究版”被密集注释(98%像素coverage...Automobiles and Vehicles 2D Instance Segmentation
500M 840
TV3Parla Others Audio
0 452
ParlamentParla Others Audio
0 418
Earth Engine Others 2D Box
0 389
BigEarthNet Others Classification
65.22G 816
ARID Others Classification
1.16G 436
Argoverse Others 3D Box Tracking
260.91G 343
23.37M 813
Tongji Parking-slot Dataset 2.0 Others Classification,2D Keypoints
2.24G 651
Lane Marker Others 2D Polyline
141.78G 442
247.8M 446
SmartDoc 2017 Others Others
985.61M 403
ICDAR2021 Dating Others Classification
15.56G 470
ICDAR 2013 数据集 1 150 images written in Greek and English language as well as 50 images written inIndian Bangla language.2 BlackWhite ha...NLP Text
172.61M 1532
Large Movie Review Others Classification
80.23M 675
RarePlanes Others 2D Box,2D Polygon
316.03G 788
Animal Parts Others 2D Keypoints
12.34M 508
NEAR Others Pose
170.7G 769
CompCars Others Classification
17.75G 524