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数字数组中的 OpenSAR 影像数据 Computer Science,Programming Classification
1275.53M 293
89.24M 224
互联网 Reaearch 机构推文存档 Internet,Social Networks,Email and Messaging Classification
5188.6M 215
Instacart 预测购物时间 Business Classification
63.75M 612
shotchartdata Others Classification
1.26M 336
TransparenciaSantos Others Classification
40.85M 162
microdados censo escolar 2014 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
16264.1M 388
microdados censo escolar 2016 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
14838.5M 355
DivarDs Others Classification
255.52M 199
flipkartdataset Earth and Nature Classification
0M 367
linearRegression Others Classification
2K 169
Arduino传感器值 Earth and Nature,Internet Classification
0.01M 230
Flipkart网格 Mobile and Wireless Classification
0M 181
亚马逊Vs.Flipkart图书价格 Business,Internet,Finance,Economics,Literature Classification
0.21M 506
cifar 10类图像 Online Communities Classification
141.49M 262
网上零售 Retail and Shopping Classification
22.62M 450
Carlercon x和y列车的连接 Others Classification
65.43M 267
层压板wilsonart Others Classification
10.07M 233
Kickstarter活动 Finance,Investing,Crowdfunding Classification
32.34M 284
零售时尚数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Nikhil Mittal# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Retail and Shopping Classification
3.98M 438