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德尔弗荷兰报纸档案馆 (1618-1699) News,Finance,Economics,Linguistics,Languages,Europe Classification
143.78M 329
5228 输入 Others Classification
0.94M 299
DBpedia语义网应用范例,提供42782篇维基百科文章提供了分类、分层类别 DBpedia (from DB for database) is a project aiming to extract structured content from the information created in Wikiped...Education,Text Data,Multiclass Classification,Text Mining Classification
443.28M 376
2018年开普敦气象数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Norman AsugoReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: Database Contents# Co...Atmospheric Science Classification
0.06M 308
被处决囚犯 1982 - 2017 Social Science,Crime,United States Classification
0.62M 286
80 谷物 Food,Nutrition Classification
0M 259
80种谷物 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Eliud KagemaReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following fi...Others Classification
5K 302
数据集B 20180919 Others Classification
135.25M 251
埃纳德 2018 Business,Computer Science,Education,Brazil Classification
0.05M 278
行政命令,1789-2016 Business,Politics,Government,History Classification
0M 264
1816-2001年争议领土和战争 Government,International Relations Classification
1.32M 245
2.91M 322
NIPS会议 1987-2015 字频率 Sports Classification
0.89M 271
足球和篮球的主场优势,来自全球88个联赛的9K+球队的主客场表现 The data set includes information about different leagues in different sports (Basketball and Soccer) all around the wor...Sports,Football,Basketball Classification
0.79M 390
飓风和台风,1851-2014 年 #背景国家飓风中心(NHC)对大西洋盆地(即北大西洋、墨西哥湾和加勒比海)和北太平洋的每个热带气旋进行风暴后分析,以确定对气...Weather and Climate Classification
922K 372
18,393 草叉评论 Business,Music,Ratings and Reviews Classification
79.71M 273
0713 启动微调 RRC 0825 Others Classification
469.85M 271
环法自行车赛平均速度, 1903 - 2018 Exercise,Sports,History,Cycling Classification
0M 397
皮#xE8;蒙奈 Anime and Manga Classification
0.36M 311
圣何塞警方拨打2018 Others Classification
52.42M 268