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世界人均寿命1800 2016 Social Science,Data Cleaning,Global Classification
0.98M 243
Gastos公司2018 Others Classification
37.91M 31
2018年年初至今数据 Others Classification
11.12M 159
AlClU列车U 8U 11 Others Classification
15005.3M 191
WMT 18翻译任务 Deep Learning,Computer Science Classification
15743.1M 175
2018年世界人口和消费价格指数 Business,Social Science,Demographics Classification
0.01M 217
酸洗手套.840B.300d Earth and Nature Classification
2672.27M 328
2018年热量、运动和体重变化 Health,Exercise,Linear Regression Classification
0.01M 392
40.39M 175
HPAv18型RGB.csv格式 Internet Classification
2.64M 230
HPAv18型RGBY.csv文件 Others Classification
2.62M 441
HPAv18.csv文件 Internet Classification
2.64M 264
1901 2018年荷兰历史天气 History,Weather and Climate Classification
191.71M 320
0.14M 330
33.24M 365
Censo Escolar 2018 Education,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
3.16M 290
Steam官方网站的大约 80000 款游戏数据集 这是一个数据集,包含任何可抓取的信息,关于来自 Steam 官方网站的大约 80000 款游戏。大多数列包含有价值的信息,可以让您更好...Video Games,Games Classification
98.8M 889
28种语言中的停止词,自然语言处理中的文本预处理 Stopwords are the words in any language which does not add much meaning to a sentence. They can safely be ignored withou...NLP,Computer Science,Text Data,Languages Classification
0.09M 564
日语-英语字幕语料库(JESC)[CLEANED],由280万个句子组成的大型语料库 This dataset is cleaned version of JESC by handling misplelled English words and doing word segmentation using:English=...NLP,Business,Computer Science,Languages Classification
220.08M 302
ELI5记分器训练数据原型816000例,用于创建评分模型 ELI5 means Explain like I am 5 . It's originally a long and free form Question-Answering scraping from reddit eli5 s...NLP,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Education,Social Science,Sports,Regression,Transformers Classification
672.61M 275