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Kotlin州2018 -原始结果 Others Classification
1.56M 414
北京房价数据,2011年至2017年北京房价信息 北京市2011-2017年的房价,取自联家网。内容包括 URL、 ID、 Lng、 Lat、 CommunityID、 TradeTime、 DOM (上市天数)、追随者、...Social Issues and Advocacy,Housing,China Classification
13M 645
NBA球员工资(1990-2017) Basketball Classification
0.57M 405
NBA -高级&基本赛季数据(1950-2017) Basketball Classification
18.36M 454
NBA球员-测量(1947-2017) Basketball Classification
0.4M 394
雅虎2003 -2013年标普500股票 Business,News,Investing Classification
498.16M 348
O M N I 2 Earth and Nature,Education,Science and Technology,Earth Science,Atmospheric Science,Astronomy,Physics,Clustering Classification
136.05M 323
Bhagavad-g& # x12B; t # x101; Religion and Belief Systems,Linguistics,Languages Classification
0.34M 340
墨西哥农村学校2016年SEP-SNIE Demographics,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
47.83M 369
墨西哥城市学校2016年9月9日 Demographics,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
13.29M 405
0.16M 336
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校2006-2017年课程和成绩 ContentThe University of Wisconsin - Madison publishes reports for all courses (and sections of these courses), instruct...Education,Universities and Colleges Classification
248.71M 546
堆栈溢出2018开发者调查 Computer Science,Internet,Programming,Tidyverse Classification
186.56M 333
好莱坞黑名单(2008-2017) Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.4M 412
gpt2-fold-0-epoch-1 Others Classification
522.78M 401
金gpt2模型 Others Classification
1045.56M 396
pneumotorax512 Others Classification
1322.29M 623
PneumothoraxData128 Others Classification
108.68M 536
用于ATP和ITF投注的大型网球数据集,一个包含超过200万场网球比赛和博彩数据的数据集 ContextThis dataset contains a large number of tennis matches from ATP and ITF leagues. Specifically, matches are availa...Sports,Tennis Classification
872.81M 731
file123 Others Classification
4.96M 497