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HRSC2016 Image Data Classification
3564.25M 545
移动应用商店(7200个应用程序),移动应用分析数据 Mobile App Statistics (Apple iOS app store)The ever-changing mobile landscape is a challenging space to navigate. . The...Business,Mobile and Wireless Classification
13.16M 672
2018年世界杯 Football Classification
0M 431
火车v2 Others Classification
43.52M 515
2017年Kaggle调查 Computer Science,Education Classification
27.87M 469
当前人口调查2016年8月(成人) Social Science Classification
2.09M 461
2018年世界杯球员 Sports,Football Classification
0.05M 874
农业用地价值(1997-2017) Economics,Real Estate,Exploratory Data Analysis,Beginner,Agriculture Classification
0.19M 402
基本收入调查 - 2016年欧洲数据集 Dalia Research conducted the first representative poll on basic income across Europe in the Spring of 2016. The results,...Business,Income Classification
3.44M 597
2018部电影列表 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0M 453
BTC(美元)2012-2018年数据 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0.04M 660
Numerai 2017锦标赛52 Arts and Entertainment,Investing,Basketball Classification
35.55M 381
埃隆·马斯克的推文,2010年到2017年 Internet,News,Celebrities Classification
0.38M 412
2017年北方邦议会选举 Politics,Government Classification
0.28M 435
网上招聘信息,2004年至2015年19,000个在线职位的数据集 Job Posts datasetThe dataset consists of 19,000 job postings that were posted through the Armenian human resource portal...Business,Employment Classification
92.31M 574
2016年公民免签证旅行 Government Classification
0M 431
全球社会调查项目:1948-2014年 Business,History,Research,International Relations Classification
3.22M 832
0.13M 459
国家社会经济地位得分:1880-2010 Education,Social Science,Economics,Demographics Classification
0.11M 470
Pokemon Go Gen II (251) Arts and Entertainment,Video Games,Science and Technology Classification
0.03M 428