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尼斯骑明尼苏达州 2017 Retail and Shopping,Sports,Travel,Weather and Climate,Cycling Classification
45.42M 601
2017年英格兰肥胖统计 Health,News,Sports,Politics,Demographics Classification
0.25M 401
FCC 网络中立评论 (4/2017 - 10/2017 Internet,Politics,Linguistics Classification
2659.09M 233
MLB 主页运行退出速度: 2015 vs. 2017 Sports,Video Games,Baseball Classification
0.37M 295
足球转会 2007 - 2017 Football Classification
0.6M 285
参加家庭考试 1 201736034 数据集 Standardized Testing Classification
0M 291
欧元-美元历史数据(2002-2017年1分钟间隔) Business,Finance,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
371.64M 237
2008-2017年玉米和大豆价格数据集,美国农业部 WASDE 月度预测的价格 The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) issues a monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE) report...Agriculture,Business,Food Classification
486K 511
外籍人士 2017 Politics,Demographics,International Relations Classification
0M 251
2017 年 Android 良性应用的静态分析 Computer Science,Health,Feature Engineering Classification
442.75M 419
2017年Android恶意软件的静态分析 Computer Science,Feature Engineering Classification
459.81M 304
0.21M 275
收入4月-17 Finance Classification
0.01M 280
参加家庭考试 1 卷 no- 201736034 Standardized Testing Classification
0M 524
参加家庭考试 1 卷- 201736034 Standardized Testing Classification
0M 236
MTL Trajet 2017 Business,Science and Technology Classification
879.85M 264
法官工资 TJDF dec2017 巴西 Others Classification
0.87M 315
2016-2017年零售销售数据 Business Classification
4.39M 248
从 2017 年 6 月到 2018 年 5 月, 双子体价格 Internet,News,Finance,Investing Classification
0.65M 263
纽约学校ELA结果2013-2017年(公开) Education,Standardized Testing,Socrata,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
26.46M 328