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2017年吉布提OTI数据 Image Data Classification
1.85M 252
0.12M 296
2017年经济自由指数 Economics Classification
0.03M 227
泰国公路交通 2017 Others Classification
0.53M 229
欧元兑美元从1971年欧元兑2017 Computer Science,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0.62M 281
每周黄金收盘价 2015 2017 Business,Computer Science,Finance Classification
0.01M 217
NIPS17 对抗学习第三轮结果 Earth and Nature,Standardized Testing,Artificial Intelligence Classification
0.14M 224
2017年德国联邦选举 Arts and Entertainment,Standardized Testing,Politics Classification
9.87M 218
0.01M 203
大学 2017 年数据 Earth and Nature,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.35M 220
2017 邮政编码形状文件 Social Science Classification
88.81M 216
IBM2015 2017DJI Others Classification
0.1M 190
0.07M 448
联阵 2017 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.02M 245
NBA 球员数据 2017 Sports,Basketball Classification
0.04M 302
ZAR:美元汇率,兰特/美元月汇率 2008-2017 This dataset was collected from the International Monetary Fund website. It contains monthly values for the Rand/Dollar...Economics,Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
20K 318
PRO2017 Others Classification
34.6M 186
犯罪在爱尔兰加达站 2007 2017 Crime,Public Safety Classification
0.38M 304
54.22M 567
宝莱坞 1920 2017 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.78M 229