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plaindnn1layer1024epoch10 plaindnn1layer1024epoch10的数据集数据结构为:submission.csv...Others Classification
6.33M 441
2017年数据科学中预处理的肺癌40 x100x100数据集 ContextThis is the data I preprocessed for the 2017 Data Science Bowl from Kaggle: Data,Cancer Classification
5.38G 615
斯瓦尔巴特群岛气候,1910 - 2017 FDA监管计划的目标是确保遵守《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》(简称法案)。具体的执法活动包括纠正和预防违规行为、从市场上移...Earth and Nature,Weather and Climate Classification
3K 407
男鞋价格数据集,包含10,000双男鞋的清单以及它们的各种售价 About This DataThis is a list of 10,000 men's shoes provided by Datafiniti's Product Database.The dataset includ...Clothing and Accessories Classification
51.07M 551
FastAI wt103型号20180328 #数据集该数据集是由nickl在数据文件下发布的?原始作者#内容它包含以下文件:...Others Classification
3.22G 462
显微镜下细胞图像中的细胞核分割数据,用于获得DSB 2018第10名的分割数据集的集合 ContentA collection of datasets converted into COCO segmentation format.Preprocessing:Resized few imagesTiled some image...Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Biology,Travel Classification
336.32M 838
cifar-10-batches-py Others Classification
177.59M 462
温室气体墨西哥各部门(1990-2010) Earth and Nature,Government,Demographics,Environment,Forestry Classification
0.05M 391
纽约2000年和2010年人口普查,城镇 Earth and Nature,Social Science,Socrata Classification
0.11M 446
2010-2018年加州可再生能源产量 Business,Electricity,Renewable Energy Classification
4.19M 424
7333.15M 453
IPE101学生评分 Business,Education Classification
0M 374
2010年奥斯汀天气 Others Classification
0.24M 469
CIFAR10 Online Communities,Food Classification
129.38M 448
fix10 dynamic14 1 Others Classification
78.01M 473
fix10 dynamic14 Others Classification
78.01M 416
fix10动态8 Others Classification
78.01M 440
加拿大啤酒100强 Alcohol Classification
0.01M 444
埃隆·马斯克的推文,2010年到2017年 Internet,News,Celebrities Classification
0.38M 391
国家社会经济地位得分:1880-2010 Education,Social Science,Economics,Demographics Classification
0.11M 435