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cifar 10类图像 Online Communities Classification
141.49M 227
手套.6B.100d.txt Others Classification
331.04M 688
列车顺序10 Others Classification
1.24M 244
40.39M 192
埃斯科拉2010 Others Classification
3399.54M 52
102朵花数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by AlexanderReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains the f...Plant,Arts and Entertainment Classification
8.9M 788
猫对狗(1000) Arts and Entertainment Classification
88.24M 616
万篇德国新闻文章数据集,10kGNAD基于一百万篇文章语料库 10kGNAD数据集旨在作为第一个德国主题分类数据集解决部分问题。它由一家奥地利在线报纸的10273篇德语新闻文章组成,分为9个主题...NLP,Classification,Computer Science,Programming,News,Social Science Classification
51.81M 297
CC-100 卡纳达语单语言数据集:来自Web爬网数据的1300万条单语言数据集 This monolingual dataset includes roughly 13 million uncleaned Kannada sentences crawled from numerous websites....NLP,Text Data,Languages Classification
3.51G 334
用户评级为10M的Goodreads图书数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Social Science,NLP,Literature,Recommender Systems Classification
1128.5M 587
提交100万份 Internet,Online Communities,Social Networks,NLP,Popular Culture Classification
700.01M 261
DetikNews标题(每2015 2020年1月15日至10月15日) Internet,Online Communities,News,NLP Classification
1.17M 326
10000篇德国新闻文章 Earth and Nature,News,Social Science,NLP,Classification Classification
316.59M 485
拼图10长度120时代 NLP Classification
8215.28M 257
FASTAI wt103型号 Clothing and Accessories,NLP,Deep Learning,Psychology Classification
339.22M 617
reddit自我发布分类任务,包含1000 多个精心挑选的类别 Welcome to the Reddit Self-Post Classification Task (RSPCT)!The aim of this dataset was to create an interesting, large...NLP,Classification,Computer Science,Multiclass Classification Classification
839.37M 310
CINIC-10 Others Classification
0 477
OTB100 Others 2D Box
2.88G 673
H-DIBCO2010 Others Others
3.95M 418
MSRA10K Others 2D Polygon
108.85M 446