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哥伦比亚对象图像库 (COIL-100) 数据集 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Software,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
129.84M 362
ICD10 数据 Internet,Linguistics,Healthcare,Languages Classification
2940.97M 346
西法尔- 10 Others Classification
88.79M 233
最小 2 最大 100 e2 15 16 差异 Others Classification
78.01M 219
fastai - wt103 #数据集此数据集由Pamin Rangsiunpum在“其他”(在描述中指定)#目录下创建。它包含以下文件:...Business,Earth and Nature Classification
3.22G 268
最小 2 max10 e2 w 生成全局 Arts and Entertainment,Internet Classification
78.01M 271
XXBTZUSD 交易 201310 201807 Others Classification
431.12M 429
se resnext101 32x4d Others Classification
187.37M 233
xl r5 b40 s230 l25 102400 阶段1 Others Classification
4232.74M 192
IMet SEResNeXt101-3 Others Classification
11215.6M 193
IMet SEResNeXt101-2 Others Classification
5113.23M 217
骰子: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 图片 Programming,Games,Image Data Classification
335.72M 626
CIFAR-100 Others Classification
177.67M 240
快速 imdb - 数据集 - 课程 10 Arts and Entertainment Classification
1920.29M 299
半导体前 10 #数据集此数据集由Eran Reuveni在数据文件下创建?原始作者#内容它包含以下文件:...Computer Classification
266.8K 423
2010年洛杉矶犯罪 Internet,Crime,Beginner Classification
373.38M 272
100 个加密 - 15 分钟周期 Business,Finance,Retail and Shopping,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Cycling Classification
7.84M 417
10项竞赛的震动 Others Classification
45.24M 213
路易斯维尔的仇恨犯罪, KY 2010 - 2018 Crime,Demographics Classification
0.04M 258
100,000 标记的 capchas Others Classification
313.66M 253